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Everything posted by JakMakai

  1. Oh, it's selected tracks from the games? Ok, i gotcha, Fishy. Are there also two people working on a song together, like a collab? Also, wicked awesome on doing the Gym Leader Battle Theme, Fishy!
  2. Oh, I guess I can't do that one then(it's kind of silly to have two remixes of the same song in my opinion, and everyone else probably thinks so, too) Maybe I'll do the Rival Battle Theme from G/S, or the Team Rocket Battle Theme from G/S...one of them...
  3. Just a quick question, since there are technically two Gym Leader Battle Themes for Kanto(one in Red, Blue and Yellow, and the remake in Gold, Silver, and Crystal), how are you guys going to do that? Merge the versions together? Also, I'm interested in doing either the Trainer Battle for G/S or the Rival Battle for G/S(I'm actually working on a guitar arrangement for the Trainer Battle Theme). (I'll post a sample of what I have so far soon)
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