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Posts posted by exdeath1

  1. [...]I'm not going to say it isn't art, but don't expect people to think of it that way. :/

    When I used word art, when talking about the pic, I was talking about that those crappy things on the pic are part of the pic.

    Its not like when you convert a song from a cd to a 128 MP3 file, the lossy data on this mp3 file would not be part of the song.

    On my pic, the lossy things are part of the pic, and they are not just there because of the crappy quality of the camera, i used that camera because i wanted to, i have a better camera here.

    Talking about the bands/artists that are into the project, a band sent me a e-mail saying that they are in.

  2. [....]however I would improve the cover art a bit. As of now it looks like it was taken with a POS digital camera.
    [...] that image is yeah, it just looks like a picture taken with a shitty camera.

    You have to think about this picture not as a photo, but as a "art" (think about a painting) those crappy things on the pic would be part of the pic and they would not be there ONLY because of the crappy quality of the camera that made the shot.

  3. Just to clarify:

    The entire album is a bunch of songs by different artists, and the songs convey each artist's interpretation of the picture, right?

    Yes, the album will have many songs by different artists/bands.

    And yes, those songs will convey each artist/bands interpretation of the picture, they will create some song/sound that they think that would fit as a soundtrack to that pic.

  4. Audio Research Lab is a netlabel based on concept albums and every album will be based on a set of rules or ideas and the musicians will work on it.

    The first album of the label will be called valentino


    On that album, i will get a picture with a name on it.

    The idea of that album is that every artist will create a song that he think that would fit as a soundtrack to that picture, the album name will be the name on the pic.

    COVER ART:The picture

    ALBUM NAME: Valentino




    DEADLINE: 21 July

    SONGS: Every artist can only send one music

    The pic:


    PS: The label use some default rules to every album will have (but some albums can override some rules) look at those rules here ( http://audioresearchlab.forumup.us/about3-audioresearchlab.html )

    If you want to enter on that project send a e-mail to the netlabel ( audioresearchlab@hotmail.com ) saying that you will create a song or post in the forum of the label thread about that project.

    The forum of the label: ( http://audioresearchlab.forumup.us/ )

  5. Ok, sorry for the long wait. Here comes an experimental character bio. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Obviously, if there's anything in here that's really WRONG, please tell me.

    Doom Trooper

    id Software



    Little is known about the Doom Trooper, especially for being the main character of one of the most widely known computer games series ever - Doom. *To be removed* The first game in the series was a 3D shooter released when PC gaming was considered a geek thing, and when 3D gaming was something most people had never even heard of. Its relatively massive amount of relatively realistic and raw depictions of violence and gore made parents and authorities furious when it was released in 1993, and it *new stuff* Most know him by little other than the sound of his voice, the smile on his face whenever he fires his gun, the blood under his nose when he starts to feel beat up, and the green of his spacesuit whenever a level has been completed. The series has been accused of being the source of inspiration for many violent acts over the past decade since the release of "Doom" in 1993. The game was a success, however, and a sequel was released only the following year. After a long wait of ten years, an acclaimed threequel, Doom 3, featuring a re-telling of the original story, was released.

    A marine transferred to a radioactive waste facility on Mars after assaulting a superior officer, the Doom trooper spent his days watching movies, until, one day, the inter-space gateways between Mars' moons started spitting out monsters into the bases there. Being part of the only military force on the planet, he was sent up to defend what he could - and that's where you come in.

    The Doom Trooper has found his niche in his own series and has only been found in one other place - in a secret area in Duke Nukem 3D.

    Quote: "Hgnn!" (or is that the quake grunt?)

    Sources used:

    Planet Doom


    The Easter Egg Archive

    Selected games:


    Doom (1993)

    Doom II (1994)

    Doom 3 (2004)

    LT Edit: Doom 2 is 1994; I'll fix that in the near future. Thanks.

    I know it's short, but there's really not that much else to write, I don't think. Not about this guy. Of course, if anyone wants to fill me in on important stuff that I've left out, or inform me about something in here that's not true, then go ahead.

    you forgot the ultimate doom, master levels for doom 2, and doom 64 games.

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