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The Shogun

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Posts posted by The Shogun

  1. Well, nothing like a little incentive to get a strong start to my career. Is there any downside to trying? Doesn't seem like it so I'm in.

    Har, I misread the 1st place prize, thought it said "or $10 iTunes gift certificate." I was sitting here thinking, "I'd rather get 2nd in case I get the cheapie gift card." Makes more sense having read over it.

  2. Most excellent! Now all I need is to get my frickin' printer working again and I can get playing on some of these pieces. Nice call, Dhsu!

    On a side note, while it's not officially on this site, Dhsu, you should really get your Earthbound piece "Nirvana" up here. I would love to see the sheets for that!

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