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Posts posted by Caster13

  1. I was commenting more on the visuals than the controls.

    A real person holding a sword, or even just having a sword sheathed at the hip, moves and walks with a gait, swings their arms, etc, that is essentially matched by the sword held in his/her hand or attached to his/her hip.

    My guess is people aren't going to play the game standing up and walk on the spot so that Link is going to walk around holding/moving the sword with a natural gait.

    They actually were experiencing technical difficulties during Miyamoto's demo. The bright lights on stage were messing with the sensors on the wiimotes and causing input hiccups.

    If you read any hands-on impressions at the game news website of your choice, people who have tried it out say that the controls are very responsive and aren't prone to those weird input issues we saw during the demo.

  2. I've seen other players wait around with the lance to poke Barroth here and there every once in a while. But I've found it a bit more engaging dodging for your life with a greatsword in hand =P

    I'm slowly making my way in trying out all the weapons. I want to try out the bowgun but the fact that I would need to forge a bowgun plus a bowgun armour set makes me want to procrastinate.

  3. Tried fighting a Barroth last night(unsuccesfully). Pretty much any sharpness other than green bounces off of him. I'll probably have to switch to lance or something...

    You would think that, but I found that the Barroth moves too fast. While a lancer could easily just block the Barroth's attacks without flinching, I've always found myself struggling to keep up with the thing to do any damage to it.

  4. I've found that the online item trading (the fish monger lady in Luc Loc) often produces the best results if you never sell anything you carve/gather.

    There are often amazing deals for rare items, items used in common and useful combinations, and so on.

  5. So... is it just me or did public opinion do a complete 180 on this game? It seems like everyone was hating on it before it came out, but around the release date and since then I've only seen POSITIVE things.

    From what I remember reading, most of the hate was in the Japanese reception of the game.

    Well, Square-Enix has been working on digging deeper into the North American market...

  6. For me it goes far beyond characters being "generically pretty" these days. It seems like a lot of 3D fantasy stuff coming out of Japan has this ridiculously over-designed quality to it, regarding everything from clothing to equipment to airships to FRIGGIN TREES. Those "funky hairstyles and crazy clothes" have gotten completely out of hand in my opinion. When everyone to the most powerful noble down to the poorest commoner has weird outfits with intricate designs and scrollwork, how am I supposed to know something is supposed to be impressive relative to everything else? It all just turns into a blur of crazy fanciness, which ironically makes everyone go back to looking the same, defeating the original point.

    Reminds me of a review of FF13 that suggested the character designs specifically cater to cosplayers.

  7. Playing as the boss for 3-3 was the first time I ever got involved in PvP in the game. I was so confused when I warped in and had the yellow scarf covering my head but I eventually figured out the trick the game pulled before the other player reached the boss area.

    It turned out to be such an awesome fight too. My build was a swashbuckler type of character: focusing on dodging while working with rapier and shield. I faced a guy who's build seemed to be a standard heavy armour, sword, and shield outfit.

    The two of us spent so much time going at each other. I was able to dodge his attacks easily but he was able to use healing herbs between taking my hits. Both of us had some magic but not enough to do decent harm to each other.

    Eventually, though, I was able to force him in a corner and my rapier turned him into a pin cushion.

    Such an awesome game.

  8. I'm thinking about building myself a new computer from scratch but it's been about 5 years since I've done so and all these dang fangled new CPU/GPU/mobo brands and labels confuse me.

    I don't suppose you mind giving me some advice as what pieces go with what other pieces based on price point would you?

  9. Are you saying the CE team is skilled enough to hack Google cache to fake his LinkedIn profile? And you can still go look him up on Facebook:


    Or did the CE team fake this guy, his university participation, and all his friends, too?

    The obvious simple solution to that is that man's existence is not fake, but the link/reference/relation to him in the C&D is.

  10. Personally, I didn't find university too diffiuclt (went to UofTM). If you've got a solid head on your shoulders that you can understand the concepts being taught, the most difficult thing facing you will be organizing your time and keeping in close communication with your professors/teaching assistants.

    Keeping a schedule is important, especially when you near the end of term and have so many assignments due in the same week. Procrastinating is one of your greatest enemies and getting work done early will save you a lot of grief. If possible, take courses in the summer terms so you can space things out. Having even one class less in the regular term can give you a lot of free time.

    When you are given your assignments, pay very close attention to the syllabus. Don't be afraid to pester/ask your professor/TAs very specific questions on what they expect your assignment to be/turn out. Ask for examples from previous classes, sample questions, and so on. Each professor/TA has a differen idea of the perfect assignment so be sure to figure out what they are exactly for each of them!

  11. I've also been thinking about picking up the keyboard/piano since (I think) it won't require me to twist my fingers and wrists like playing the violin does--and thus making it a better instrument to ease into music theory with. Any suggestions for good, cheap keyboards?

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