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Posts posted by dj.error

  1. If you want to copy a channel over why not just save the piano roll and the presets for the generator (or sample).

    To save them:

    Exporting Piano Roll

    ->Open Piano Roll

    ->Piano Roll Options (top left corner button looks like a keyboard)


    ->Save Score as...

    Exporting Preset

    ->Open Channel Settings

    ->Channel Settings Options (Top left corner button)


    ->Save State as...

    To Open them:

    Importing Piano Roll

    ->Open Piano Roll

    ->Piano Roll Options (top left corner button looks like a keyboard)


    ->Open Score...

    Importing Preset (A little bit confusing)

    ->Open Browser

    ->Channel Presets

    ->The file you made should be here, add it as you would any other instrument

  2. My Midi Out doesn't seem to work... I set the port number in midi settings to 0, I set the port number in the midi out plugin to 0 too... I hate to sound like an idiot, but unfortunatly thats how I feel... Am I doing something wrong?

    I've read the manual... Which proved useless

    I've searched the web for over a week... Useless

    I've tried everything I can think of... Again, Useless

    Basically what i'm trying to do is set up my machine so that I can play sounds that are on a midi synth I have (Because I have alot more sounds that I really like on the synth)

    PS: Midi works in winamp (I.E. I can play midi songs over my synth), and I do have the midi hooked up to my computer and the line out on my synth going into the line in on my sound card...

    I'm really out of ideas here... :'(


    I didn't turn on "Enable Midi Out" :oops:

    For anyone else who encounters this problem the option is really easy to find but I completely overlooked it...

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