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Posts posted by LifeVirusZERO

  1. 8O OH MY GOD 8O

    IT SUCKED. It's one of THE worst remixes I have EVER heard. You just HAD to go and remix a Castlevania track and fux0r it up...didn't ya?

    Sorry if I seem extremely negative but...hearing some of my favorite music from one of my all-time favorite game series being BUTCHERED without the proverbial reach-around...was MORE THAN I COULD STAND.

    In the future...PLEASE remember that Castlevania is a ROCKER'S game. Keep it away from the RAP. Good GODS! :roll:

    (Yes. It's one of my first posts. I FINALLY had a reason to bitch.)

    It's just as djpretzel said in his review of DJ Crono's Kono Sekai De, it would be a "love it or hate it" mix.

    You know, I wonder what this guy was trying to accomplish by posting this? Does he think it's going to make DJ Crono stop making songs? I think not. I can understand why he might not like it. I, personally, am sort of a fan of the whole Rap/Hip-hop thing. I find this mix to be awesome in every way (yes, it has its flaws, but nothing's perfect).

    I understand that maybe this guy just doesn't like rap music (heck, I used to HATE it), but that doesn't mean that he has to be a f*cking douche about it (yes, there's no other way to describe him than f*cking douche).

    Well, anyway, my favorite part of this song is the part where DJC says "Tick Tick - BOOM!" I just really like the direction the melody goes at this point. It's presented very awesomely. The part that I don't like very much is the repeating snare drum every time DJC says "Don't show fear and do not forget", I just think it sounds a little bland. And what does "Umdigodamore, Umbligottawattadorfore" mean? Someone had to ask.

    Anyway, keep up the AWESOME work Dj Crono.

    P.S. I am also a remixer of this song (just not a hip-hop version). If you want to hear it, go here: :arrow:http://www.zerounithq.com/Castlevania%202.mp3

    While it may not be the *best* version of this song ever, I still kinda like it. I would improve it and make it better, but I don't have the fruity loops project file anymore :(

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