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Posts posted by NuGeo

  1. We get a clock out slip at the start and the end of our shifts, and they have adjusted my hours.

    That kind of activity is highly illegal. I am not a lawyer, but I know that employees on an hourly payroll absolutely MUST be paid for the time that they are on the clock. A company fudging the number of hours you are working behind your back breaks all kinds of labor laws. Remember that it is also illegal for any company (private or otherwise) to not pay you overtime when you work more than 40 hours a week on a payroll system. So you can clearly see why changing the number of hours you work to something that does not accurately reflect reality is completely illegal.

    Talk to a lawyer ASAP. And think about obtaining some good, solid evidence. You're going to need it.

  2. The Oji does not smile, except in the event of extreme emergencies, in which case his smile has been reported to blind unfortunate passers-by, deflect projectile weapons, and bring dying "bros" back to life. DCT knows this first hand, as he has actually died 3 times already but was always revived by The Oji's smile immediately afterwards.

    Then this must have been quite the emergency...


  3. I had a MySpace account once. I deleted it in a fit of rage and now I have a Facebook account. I miss the profile customizability of MySpace, but that's all, really. Facebook is currently the best online tool for finding and keeping in touch with old friends, hands down. I have a few gripes about the interface, though, but nothing's perfect.

    facebook > myspace

    but the emails from facebook are sorta annoying. can you turn those off?

    Log in and go to My Account -> Notifications.

  4. What would really help out is if someone installed the program on a large network of computers at their workplace or something like that. If any of you have the means to, I'd recommend asking permission to install the program in screensaver mode on a workplace network and have it process WU's for Team OCREMIX.

    You'd only recommend? Asking permission is more of a MUST. Even if you're the administrator of a network of computers you absolutely should ask whoever owns those boxen for permission. Ask them in person. And get the consent written, signed, and dated on paper and file it in a safe place.

    Seriously. I recall a story about an administrator getting sued and/or fired for installing SETI@Home on several computers he administered without proof of permission to do so.

  5. Wow. I've never played Star Ocean before and probably never would've given this remix a listen had it not been featured on VGDJ. For some reason I'm a sucker when it comes to this kinda music. I wouldn't compare it to today's pop music at all. It really is more akin to something like The Beach Boys. This song is really a joy to listen to especially since I don't come across gems like these too often.

    Good stuff. I'll definitely rotate it in my playlists for many times to come. :)

  6. This kind of project really requires an organizer/editor.

    There's always wiki software. ;) Seriously, I think there should be a subdomain wiki site of OCR for these character profiles. It'll make it so anyone can easily add their contributions and moderate others' contributions as well. Once everything's good I think you can lockdown the wiki so it's no longer editable.

    Just a thought. I don't know all of the technicalities of administrating a wiki site. But if there's someone who does, it could make this whole process run smoothly.

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