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Posts posted by the_nihilist

  1. I recommend the gearslutz forums, as they have many, many times more experience in stuff like this.

    Uh... okay. :roll:

    I think he's correct; but only in the sense that more people visit there and that while Remixing is just a part of OCR, GS has its complete forum dedicated to it.

    Simply a matter of having a bigger sample population (sample as in statistics) and less mercy for "lol d00d u should use an audigy and warez ur plugins". Plus the mods can show actual experience there - most here only have a studio in name but don't rent it out or have a separate building for the business.

    Alot of gearslutz members are studio owners or recording engineers. They also have guest recording engineers come on and answer questions for a month -- people who have worked on multi-platinum selling albums. These people are professionals, and can offer advice that the amateur and hobbyist focused OCR would likely not be able to cover nearly as well. If you're going to spend $15k on a studio, those guys would be the ones to ask.

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