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DJ Tetsusaiga

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Posts posted by DJ Tetsusaiga

  1. I also remember shedding a few tears from Legend of Legaia when Noa's guardian wolf/friend died. Normally, that wouldn't have bothered me, but it reminded me of my dog that died a few weeks prior.

    Also, I don't remember if I cried of not, but I was REALLY sad when I found out what happened to Noa's parents and the kingdom.

    These both made me sad too :(

    --Metal Gear Solid - When Sniper Wolf died

    --Xenoblade - When you get Fiora back in your party

    --Metal Gear Solid 4 - Several times

    --Final Fantasy 6 - When Terra's dad, Maduin, died

    --Lost Odyssey - When reading several of the short-stories you find

    --Final Fantasy IV - I thought it was crazy that Aerith died in FFVII, but in IV...so many party members :'(

    --Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross

    --Kingdom Hearts 2

    Other games as well

  2. Metal Gear Solid - I got the demo as a member of PlayStation Underground and I must have tried playing the demo, oh, a good 10 times. Each time I played I didn't like it, it felt slow and seemed difficult. The dialogue was unlike anything I'd ever heard before. But something kept me coming back, I couldn't put my finger on it. One day my brother's friend let him borrow the game, so I gave it another try. I ended up beating the game twice in one day, and to this day remains one of my favorite games of all time. This is the first time I had cried playing a game, memorable for sure.

    Final Fantasy 9 - Now, I'm an FF nut, and this game was supposed to be very reminiscent of past FF's. I grew up on FF; FF6 was my very first RPG, and my favorite FF. So I was very much looking forward to playing it. Again, my brother's friend let us borrow the game, and I didn't like it. I was intrigued, the music was quirky and fun, and the characters bizarre and interesting, but for whatever reason I was put off by the first segment of the game, I crash-landed the airship after the first scene and stopped playing. So we gave the game back a few days later with a "meh" whatever attitude. We borrowed it again several months later, i popped it in, and I was hooked, i was addicted. It was good, REALLY good. I missed homework some nights so i could play, and it's ranked at number 2 on my FF list. Did not expect that :P

  3. I might sound stupid asking this, but what exactly do you mean by mastering? Sonic separation? I'd be glad to master my mix if I knew what was involved.

    Mastering to me means bringing out the most of the song. The bass is bassy, the kick's got kick, the strings have power/got the feel, synths are clean and phat. Well it really depends on the song, but yeah. YOUR song sounds rather dry, if i may use that as a metaphor. It needs to be dusted off and brought into the clean air. I suppose using metaphors doesn't really tell you HOW to do it, but i'm just giving your a visual representation of what you should be hearing. Imagery does infact go along with the song. You really need to be bring out the presence of all your sounds. Equalize each sound so it has its full potential for what your trying to represent to your listeners. I know i may be a little bit wishy washy in my advice, but i'm just trying to get you to hear what i mean, lots of the songs on this sight will have a good example for what i mean, i dont' really have the time to list some individual songs. anyways if you want to talk more on the matter you can go to my profile and write me a message or add my to msn/yahoo/aim or whatever i don't care. Hope i didn't get you more lost lol. egmcary@hotmail.com

  4. God, chrono26 is right, that bassline is wicked! excellent drumkit as well, this is rockin. I was actually kinda expecting some guitars in this seeing how its rock beats.....but i guess uhhh i donno, you should try that out see if it works, that is if you have some good guitar sounds. Nice job XP

  5. FL 3.56??!!! lol come on man! get with the times, 7 is out now...anyways, it does still indeed sound rather midi-ish and the drum samples deffffinitely need revamping as well as the textures and power of everything here. send me a message if you want me to hook you up with some stuff ^^

    arrangement however was indeed good, keep working on it

  6. Things to fix:

    Might just be me but I think you have way to much reverb on your percussion, sounds like I'm in a cave. Could sound a little cleaner, maybe another go at mastering would bring out things a little more. The part around the middle when it picks up the pace, you can barely hear that synth, i say bring it out, and bump up your kick a bit. It also doesn't have an end?...and like a minute of silence at the end. anyways lol.

    The choir you added was a really nice addition! and your choice of bass was nice. I liked how this contained symphonic elements from the original yet had an electronic flavor to it. Good transitions as well.

    fix a few of those problems listed, give it an ending and i think we are good to go, nice job ;)

  7. Hopefully with this I might be able to finally have a chance at submitting something to OCR. Thanks in advance for listening. Please tell me what you think, it means alot. Oh and of course if you think this would be able to pass judging. Thanks again ^_^


    P.S. Make sure to turn the volume up all the way on the stream

    window, otherwise your only hearing it at half of what it is

    supposed to be. OH and the extra clips i added into the song

    were either from in-game, or from the japanese version of the


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