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Posts posted by Selios

  1. Hello there. Just to say that i've managed to work a couple of hours on my track (finally! O_o) and it's nearly finished (that could be in a month or two, though).

    Even though I wasn't planning multiple remixes of one source originally, we can work something out.

    Does it really matter if some tracks are covered more than once?

  2. was really tempted to tl;dr, but actually your post made me smile.

    I think i know how you feel about autodidaxy. I've been looking for tutorials and stuff myself for a while now. Most of them didn't teach me anything.

    Everyone can learn on their own. But I do think you can learn waaaay faster with someone to help you out.

    And, it can be a lot more fun.

    I'd gladly give you some advice, but i can't do much more right now.

    Your request is not ridiculous at all. I hope you will find someone to teach you.

  3. Yep, i've got Sytrus. Thanks for the tip!

    Actually, I've already tried lots of things. I think the problem isn't really the sound ; the lead part i'm working on is pretty dull by itself, i'll try harmonizing a bit and changing the articulation.

    Anyway, here's what i mostly use for lead sounds :

    - saw oscillators

    - 12 an 24dB lowpass filters (nice for modulation)

    - a bit of distortion or overdrive (sounds better when applied only to mid and low frenquencies)

    - flangers (fantastic to make the sound thinner, or wider, and add some expression)

    - FM synthesis (yep, you were right, Nase), it helps making rich sounds without using distortion, which is useful when you want to play some chords (other than power chords).

    - low cut filters

    - oversampling, often necessary in the high range


    this is it, for now. Maybe i'll post some more stuff if i find anything interesting.

  4. Oh man, sorry to say, but there's no way these remixes even come close to being good enough to pay tribute to Dynamite Headdy :( sorry :(


    Do you mean they're bad enough not to say anything useful about them?

    Like, you know, ADVICE?

    I agree though, this soundtrack deserves as much respect as Sonic 3.

    I really don't have much time to spend on this, so for know i'm just stuck with FL Studio, and it's a pain in the ass to have it sound "real".

    Now we've all heard what you can do with cubase and a guitar,so why don't you give it a shot?

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