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Everything posted by IckesTheSane

  1. Well, it is the middle of winter, so anyone with an electricity based heating system (not gas / oil) would see an increase... I did see a cost breakdown of running a project like this, and I think it came out to about 30-40 cents a day, which I think counts on leaving the monitor off. Even if you round up to a dollar a day for a power hungry machine, its not going to be an extra $300 unless your running a LOT of computers... 'Course, you can always do what I do and run it on the computers at work But for the love of pete get permission!
  2. Our team's in the top 3,000! Not bad out of 42,000+ I managed to sneak into the top 10 for our team too. And bump.
  3. Unless you are looking at the graphics, or have them on the screen like the screensaver, I think they should be the same, but I haven't tested it. If you're looking at the graphics it can slow down the processor, especially if its on-board video, since it has to render the graphics. Depending on the video card though, it might not slow it down much at all (I think i read the grapic is Open GL, while most video cards don't support it, but I could be wrong) I also have a question about the command line client. Is there a way not to have it in the window? I can minimize it but it is still in the task bar...
  4. Wow...how many of these things do you have running? Just two computers at work, and I haven't gotten around to putting it on my computer at home since its on dial-up... I did apply for a different job that would put me in charge of a lab of about 20-25 computers. The guy I talked with there was very nice and I'm sure he'd ok it... now I just need to get the job, and I should have heard back from him by now, so I don't know...
  5. I was going to start a thread to see if people wanted to start a BOINC team, but this seems to be just a worthy a cause... and all the work to get it started is done I'll get a few computers adding to it when they finish their current BOINC work unit. Edit: woot... 42nd post...
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