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Posts posted by Kitsuta

  1. Dude, don't worry about it. Doesn't matter how much your stuff sucks or even if you don't think you're that good. This is all in good fun.

    Plus, can't gain experience without trying, you know?

    I'm not upset. I just have to figure out a way to record while it's playing without recording the song itself again. :?

    record the background music to a cd, or sync it to a mp3 player. The listen to it on headphones on a low volume, and record and sing off the mike?

    I actually used my headset to record(lawlz I have no real mic), so I tried this already. It doesn't work. In fact, the music is recorded louder this way. :o

    I know that can work, because I've done recording that way before. Maybe a headset would mess it up, though.

    No it doesn't, I just think he's doing it wrong.

    It's actually probably my headset, because it's a really, really cheap headset. I got it from BJs in a set of three for about $20. It's got no noise cancellation and you can hear the music coming out of the headphones when you're sitting halfway across the room. :lol:

  2. Dude, don't worry about it. Doesn't matter how much your stuff sucks or even if you don't think you're that good. This is all in good fun.

    Plus, can't gain experience without trying, you know?

    I'm not upset. I just have to figure out a way to record while it's playing without recording the song itself again. :?

    record the background music to a cd, or sync it to a mp3 player. The listen to it on headphones on a low volume, and record and sing off the mike?

    I actually used my headset to record(lawlz I have no real mic), so I tried this already. It doesn't work. In fact, the music is recorded louder this way. :o

  3. So. PS3 can't move off the shelves, and now Nintendo is trying to be Sony.


    At this point, I'm growing heavily reactionary. If they keep this up much longer, I may well just sell my Wii off and go for a 360 and not look back at Nintendo. They seriously should learn from Sony.

    Hell.. first they scream from the rafters that there's no market for importers, and now when one of their popular games is getting imported, they go all batshit on them and try to say they're losing money on it.

    Just as a note, I consider the first statement to be highly inaccurate. PS3s are still in high demand and sell easily in most areas.

    As for Nintendo "trying to be Sony," it's quite a stretch. Are they being bitchy about importing games? Sure they are. Here's a hint, though - it's THEIR PRODUCT. They have the legal right to ask that their product not be imported to other countries, even if it's a bit silly. But we don't know their side of the story - it's possible that imports of games to Europe were pretty low until Pokemon, and now they've shot up liek woah.

    What Sony did was bad press not because they didn't want their console imported, but because they used bully tactics to crush the company that didn't dance to their tune. Cease and desist letters are a far cry from suing a small company into oblivion.

    To use the "It's their product, they have the right to say who it can and cannot be sold to!" excuse, is no different than saying, "It's their product, they have the right to say white people aren't allowed to buy it. Ever!" It's totally marketplace discrimination, in a global market.

    If a company cannot or is not willing to release their product in a timely manner, yet the product finds its way to customers in an unreleased market, they have no right to complain. If people were choosing to import rather than purchase the product locally when it IS available there, then they can bitch all they want about how it's costing them sales. When it isn't available, and quite probably won't be for most of a year, the only ones hurting their sales in a market showing a decided interest in the product, is themselves.

    You know that the only way they can make the games launch on the same day worldwide is to delay it for the US while they localize it for the UK, right? That kinda puts them in a bind.

    But, I don't really care. Until they start bullying small companies and abusing the legal system, it's not omigoshterrible for them to bitch about their games being imported.

  4. Could some one explain to me how importing hurts companies? I always figured that if Nintendo (or any other company) makes an item and they sell it. They get the money from the retailers. Then after that any transaction made with their item will not benefit or harm them at all.

    well thats how I figured it was.

    So whats there deal?

    Well, it obviously hurts the different branches. Nintendo of Europe needs lovin' too, not just NoA!

    But, I think it hurts the company overall too. If people in Europe get a game before it's even released in Europe, that leaves NoE at a big disadvantage. And if NoE makes too many copies of a game because they overestimated demand, that hurts the company overall, since games in NoE are more expensive to make(VAT taxes lolz) than games in America.

    Other than that, I'm not really sure.

  5. So. PS3 can't move off the shelves, and now Nintendo is trying to be Sony.


    At this point, I'm growing heavily reactionary. If they keep this up much longer, I may well just sell my Wii off and go for a 360 and not look back at Nintendo. They seriously should learn from Sony.

    Hell.. first they scream from the rafters that there's no market for importers, and now when one of their popular games is getting imported, they go all batshit on them and try to say they're losing money on it.

    Just as a note, I consider the first statement to be highly inaccurate. PS3s are still in high demand and sell easily in most areas.

    As for Nintendo "trying to be Sony," it's quite a stretch. Are they being bitchy about importing games? Sure they are. Here's a hint, though - it's THEIR PRODUCT. They have the legal right to ask that their product not be imported to other countries, even if it's a bit silly. But we don't know their side of the story - it's possible that imports of games to Europe were pretty low until Pokemon, and now they've shot up liek woah.

    What Sony did was bad press not because they didn't want their console imported, but because they used bully tactics to crush the company that didn't dance to their tune. Cease and desist letters are a far cry from suing a small company into oblivion.

  6. Haha, I lost.

    I waited since midnight and the store didn't get a single Wii, and neither did the other store nearby.

    At least the guy in the store had the courtesy to tell us a couple hours before it opened.

    I really should have gone at five. There was no one there the entire night.

    Anyway, it was pretty fun. Off I go to bed.

  7. Actually, some Toys R Us stores sold them today as soon as they got them - that seems to be the store policy, so you'd just have to wait all day for them, assuming they didn't get them today.

    Hm... well, I have no life and I live in an area that is Wii-hungry, so I'll probably just go around midnight.

  8. I can't remember where it was posted(thought it was here but I can't find it), but apparently Toys R Us is supposed to have a bunch of Wiis Friday morning. Who thinks I should line up like a crazy person?

    Yeah, I just called, and they said that they got some today and sold out, but they're getting more tomorrow. My sister and her friend are going early.

    FUCK YES thank you. I kept trying to call my local stores, I only got through to them once(I made dozens of calls), and I was too stupid to ask when they'd have more in stock.

    My store opens at 8am(closes at midnight). When do you think I should line up?

    I can't remember where it was posted(thought it was here but I can't find it), but apparently Toys R Us is supposed to have a bunch of Wiis Friday morning. Who thinks I should line up like a crazy person?

    Do it, but don't go crazy until you get inside.

    Silly Bigfoot, I'm ALWAYS crazy. ;)

  9. So I was wondering how I was going to show up to do the "Overcome the curse" quest when I found the Skull Ring. Raises your stats by a lot, except luck, and curses you lol.

    I did it differently - I went to the long room with all those platforms going up on the right and down on the left, near the painting to the Nation of Fools map, and then I went to the very top room and got cursed there.

    Yeah, I'm sure there is a much, much easier way to get cursed as you stated because this ring is pretty rare. I just totally forgot what monster/whatever curses you, and I just happened to stumble upon this ring being dropped.

    I have the same ring, but I got it long, long after I completed that quest Bahamut's way.

    It helps a lot with the beginning Nest of Evil bosses.

    Nest of Evil is easy until you get to fighting two The Creatures at once...that is eeeeeevil.

    Yeah, that was really "fun" the first time around.

    After I got all of Charlotte's spells(thus completing all the quests) I got the Magus Ring, which boosts your MP restoration liek woah. I used that and about ten thousand "Meteors" to beat them.. several times. Stupid wanting to get all the item drops...
  10. So I was wondering how I was going to show up to do the "Overcome the curse" quest when I found the Skull Ring. Raises your stats by a lot, except luck, and curses you lol.

    I did it differently - I went to the long room with all those platforms going up on the right and down on the left, near the painting to the Nation of Fools map, and then I went to the very top room and got cursed there.

    Yeah, I'm sure there is a much, much easier way to get cursed as you stated because this ring is pretty rare. I just totally forgot what monster/whatever curses you, and I just happened to stumble upon this ring being dropped.

    I have the same ring, but I got it long, long after I completed that quest Bahamut's way.

    It helps a lot with the beginning Nest of Evil bosses.

  11. If they live by themselves, maybe they just figure if it's approaching seel by date, and they're not gonna eat it, why waste it?

    Doesn't sound sinister anyway.

    Yes. Also, try to get your folks to ask him?

    This reminds me of a church we used to go to way far away - they had a shed(very, very cold) full of expired foods - all pastries and breads and sealed.. They were in perfect condition but the stores had to get rid of them for obvious legal purposes. So these people kept it in the fridge-shed and gave it to the local abuse shelter.

    There was always lots so we occasionally took some as well. Very delicious.

  12. That is indeed an awesome shirt, Dunther (the Mirror Mirror single artwork I believe). My wardrobe is mostly split up between video game shirts and metal shirts. Also my hair is actually longer than it looks in the pic, it currently reaches down to my waist. And a lot of people do tell me that I look like Jesus....

    Mmmm that photo with the Blind shirt was of the 05/2005....here's a more recent photo (before a marriage):


    PS: my hairs are long more than half of my back

    Were you at Otakon or something? You look really familiar. Or was that SonicANS?

  13. The only reason why I die on any of the bosses is because I never really liked using potions on a boss fight, heh.

    But that's what they're for!

    It's more fun that way ;p

    Yeah, and I just beat the Belmont whip doing 50hp per hit and using about 3 High Potions and several food items(I have a million of them). :P

  14. I hate you all.

    I almost regret staying at home on launch day(damn you, virii!). But then I think of how I was stupid and ended up being really ill for six months straight because I didn't take care of myself.

    That doesn't make me less jealous of you guys, though. :lol:

  15. It's probably less related to overall horsepower and more based on the DS' unique features (two screens, touch screen, mic). Although from what I hear, Portrait of Ruin doesn't use the touch screen anyway (not sure on the mic), so I don't know.

    The only thing you use the stylus for is creating an icon at the beginning(if you don't want to use a default one). Other than that, I really like having the map right above me without having to press start.

    You can also use the touchscreen to control where your second character is moving so they can dodge attacks. It's a major pain in the arse though.

  16. Yay for ebay?

    Boo for eBay.

    Actually, I just sold it to Taucer for $260 and I will personally hand it to him at the meetup.


    You mean we'll have a Wii for Magfest?

    I know which hotel room I'll be hanging out the most in! (lawlz like I wasn't already gonna hang out with OCR)

    EDIT: Oops, I thought you meant the OCR meetup at Magfest, not NYC.

  17. I agree...

    His name IS Link, the abilty to change it is just... blasphemy... YEAH, BLASPHEMY!

    Completely offtopic, but my brother in law always names him "Cow"(that's his internet handle). It looks weird.

    When my sisters and I were kids, we would play LttP. For the longest time we named the character Zelda because we thought that was his name(we hadn't heard of Zelda 1 or 2). It was pretty funny.

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