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good poltergeist

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Everything posted by good poltergeist

  1. See, that was a nice answer. I really do appreciate it. Thanks. However, the Piano Roll is beyond me. Apparently I suck. Anyway, methinks I'm just going to continue composing in Sibelius...
  2. FL is about as n00b friendly as you get, sorry? but uses no musical score...thanks for generally not answering my question, and being an ass. I really appreciate it. why does it seem that music mixing software tends to have very little to do with actual music notation?
  3. just curious, is there any software out there, that is 1.) free and 2.) uses musical score and 3.) newbie friendly? I downloaded the demo for fruity loops, but it just confuses me...(after this post, I'm probably off to the FL thread...) I was just curious if I should look in another direction for sequencing and editing musical scores. Thankies
  4. somehow I missed this forum... oh well...
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