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Posts posted by de-Rais

  1. Just because it's one of the first, does not automatically make it good. This song lacks substance above all else, it sounds like something my old Commodore 64 pulled out of its ass. I have no idea what you were trying to achieve with this song. I hated it on vgmix.com, and I hate it here to. I sincerely hope that you, nor anybody else ever uses this style of music again.

    I wouldn't have put it *QUITE* like that, but at least somone saved me the trouble of trying to be uncharactaristically polite heh. It's not as abominable as THAT, but I must admit, while I was playing the game I was salivating at the idea of what OCRemix could come up with from the awesome music I was being treated to.... but yeah, the commodore 64 thing sticks.

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