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  1. My buddies play with Ken. Freaking awesome. You live near LA? Ken is amazing with Marth, sure, especially coming out of nowhere and winning a tournament a few years back, but I'm not very fond of how he beat Bombsoldier in that Japanese tourney, with the chain throwing against Falco. I won't say it's cheap, but it's not very exciting to watch, and it's a bit of a take-every-advantage-you've-got tactic. I like Azen better. With his play-every-character philosophy. Actually, Isai/Malva. With his insane SSB64 skills. Yea I'm about an hour from LA. I haven't had the honor of playing anyone like Ken in a tournament yet, but just about everyone in my "Smash Crew" has played him or watched him play in person on several occasions. He is pretty nuts with Marth. I agree with what you said about the match against Bombsoldier. That chain throwing is disgusting, especially against heavies like Falco. It makes me sad inside cuz I'm a Falco user myself. As am I. And Bombsoldier plays an absolutely amazing Falco. His follow ups after Masashi's (at least, I think it's Masashi, I've forgotten a lot of stuff) Fox DIs after getting hit by shines are awesome. Oh, and Falco is actually pretty light, but he falls the fastest in the game. Funny how he's a bird.
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