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Posts posted by Fionn

  1. Edit: Holy cow, hard battle is haaaaaard. Normal games were almost relaxing, but these have me in a constant state of panic. THIS IS MADNESS.

    I haven't even made it past Hard-8. And it took me 9'30" to beat level 7. They just don't stop throwing huge blocks. :banghead:

    Edit: I'm going to go ahead and drop out of the tournament. Sorry.

  2. Bravery, Faith, and other strong magic only become available after you progress the game to a certain point.

    Bravery and Faith are the only spells that are only sold in the Muthru Bazaar. Other items of note that can be bought there are the Bubble Belt (Equip: Bubble), and the Nihopalaoa (Equip: Reverse).

    The Muthru Bazaar shop's inventory depends on the clan rank of the player.

  3. d(x^2)/dx = d(x)/dx + ... + d(x)/dx (x times)

    So is that the second derivative? Or the derivative of x squared?

    Whatever. It's too late for me to think right now. I'll sleep on it.

    EDIT: It's the derivative of x squared. Unless that assumption is the problem with the math. :idea:

    Because I'd express that as:

    d(x^2)/dx [(x^2)] = d(x)/dx + ... + d(x)/dx (x times)

  4. Sadly, I don't play an instrument. I'm trying to learn to play the piano, and hopefully my parents get me a MIDI keyboard for X-mas like I want them to. (That, and FLStudio or something, and I might actually try to make a remix. But for now, I got nothin'.)

    The only instrument I have is my voice. I sing baritone and tenor in my high school's top choir, and hoping to make the all-state choir this year.

  5. -You MAY NOT play two standardmatches against the same opponent in any four-week span.

    -You MAY NOT play two riskmatches against the same opponent in any four-week span.

    -You MAY NOT play more than one standardmatch OR one riskmatch against the same opponent in any one week.

    -You MAY NOT play more than one standardmatch AND one riskmatch against the same opponent in any four-week span.

    So, in other words, you can't play the same person twice in four weeks, in either a standard match or a risk-match.

    But you can play one of each against someone else, if it's not in the same week.

    That's what he said, in layman's terms. We appreciate the technical wording, though. :)

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