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  • Location
    Racoon City, still can't leave those zombies! And love RE4 and Leon Kennedy!
  • Occupation
    Computer Geek and Anime Freak


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Ok, the toughest girl boss battle would be... Lenus, from "Legend of Dragoon" for the PS1. I still havent't whooped her wingly butt yet! Toughest guy boss, Vergil from DMC3. I sware, i just beat him this week, and it took me 8 TRYS! 8 FU**ING TRYS! God, i hate his attacks! But the hardest creature boss, well that goes too...Ultima Wepon of FF8, he's very tough, and i still havent whooped his ass, i'm so weak!
  2. Ok, one day i was playing slient hill 2, you know, the really creepy one! I read about that thing...that happens in the bed...and i watched it! Yes, it's nasty, i can handle violence, but that...nope... *Pukes in corner of the screen* Sorry about that! I just needed to say that!
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