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Posts posted by Jaswald

  1. has the lag issues that have plagued us in the past cleared up by now? I haven't played on the new server enough to notice one way or the other.

    Also keep your eyes peeled for more 9v9 tourneys ToE can get in on. If you see any out there, send a link to GameMaster or Myself and we'll see what we can do with it

    oh also also is there a reserve slot system in place still?

  2. So SOE totally lied to us and DCUO is indeed Pay-to-Play.

    Following is the official pricing.

    Suggested retail pricing:

    USD $49.99(PC) and USD $59.99 (PS3)


    1 Month - $14.99

    3 Month - $41.99

    6 Month - $77.99

    12 Month - $143.99

    Lifetime Subscription - $199.99 (Available on PC only)

    whoops forget it, count me out

  3. aw shit. Killing Floor went on sale the first time, and I didn't buy it. After that it was still discounted for the holidays and I figured eh what the hell I'll get it. Now after I bought it, it goes on sale again!

    I want a refund!

  4. So in the continuing saga of my newbie brother's ridiculous streak of good luck, he had a Camera Beard drop for him last night. I don't think he's even hit twenty hours in-game yet.

    my brother also just got the game and the first thing he found was a stocking stuffer key

  5. Bleh. I swear, I see a bunch of people playing, I wrap up what I'm doing, then when I'm finally ready to play, both servers are empty. IT'S A CONSPIRACY I TELLS YA.

    the server has been filling up and emptying quite rapidly lately. it's not just you

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