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Everything posted by Slothboy

  1. I think they already decided on Threshold of a Dream. Aeth, did you realise that abreviates to ToaD?
  2. Aeth, I can't get to the gbs archive because my college network blocks it as a gaming site *rolls eyes*. I can only access the net from here, so is there another way I can get access to those songs? Thanks.
  3. *looks around* The track list has lots of tracks with no names next to them... DOes that mean mixers are still being taken?
  4. Aeth, I can totally do slow and melancholic I don't really have anything to show you, however... So I can understand you wouldn't be willing to hand over something to someone whom you're not sure is going to produce the right thing. So, if I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, could I possibly work on a song *unofficially* and show you a WIP by the end of the weekend? If so, which song would you like me to do? I've listened to all the "free" ones and feel I could do any of them, so it's up to you. If not, that's totally cool. I understand
  5. Aeth, I posted a request on the last page... Metal got a reply but I didn't. Any songs left without mixers?
  6. Well, I'm new to the forums but not new to music production. I'd love to take on an unassigned track for this. A demo of my work: http://www.soundclick.com/util/downloadSong.cfm?ID=3053144&key=AF663066-4
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