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Ten Flames

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hello I am the Ten Flames. I think that the remixes on this site are awesome. I like how there are variations of music because I hate close minded people who only listin to one type of music or play only one type or game. I have been collecting and playing games all of my life I even have my NES hooked up still and still play it like once a week. I play all variations of games and listin to most variations of music. Some of my favorite games are Metal Gear Solid, Legend Of Zelda, Fatal Frame, Mega Man X, Shenmue, Mario Kart, and etc... I live in New York, and I am currently applied to the NYC Museum School. In my free time I like to practice drawing when ever i not playing a game or listining to music. I have posted in UnMod before and thought that i should introduce myself here. This is a great site and I'll try and post as much as I can.
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