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Everything posted by Teflon

  1. Bassoonist here. I could also get a hold of some good flute/clarinet players possibly. PM me, I have some contacts I could 'try' and tap. Access to my university's recording hard/software etc.
  2. Sup all. I'm a bassoonist!! I love vidjo g4m3 music. I've been cajoling some of my profs to give up movie music for vidjo g4m3 music. But, not working out too well. PM me if you want to see some of the stuff I've done/aspiring for. I'm mostly into arranging for live groups for live performances. I've worked with fruityloops a bit, but not pro with the software. If anybody needs a bassoonist or a bassoon lick recorded, let me know! If anybody wants to loose some money playing Super Smash bros melee, lemme know and I'll be glad to take a $10 off you .
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