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Wizards Bane

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Posts posted by Wizards Bane

  1. you mean that thing that just had a price drop?

    You fail to realize that it took two months of the publics' bitching and moaning so if you really think about it they would have never changed the price until their console finally got old and they made a PS4 and even then I really don't see the price dropping on that either until what was said before the getting old and making a PS4 part.

  2. I don't really enjoy older games as much anymore and because of that I have forgoten most bosses, although there is hope, newer games which I play frequently.

    Gears of War:

    Boss: General Ram

    Difficulty to play on: Insane

    Difficulty level: Practically impossible alone and even sometimes with a partner.

  3. With UnMod gone now, I just find this site to be a bit more boring now. I don't even come here for the music anymore, and chances are I'll be coming here less and less now because of it.

    And the soon-to-come Off-Topic forum isn't gonna help any.

    (ten character filler)

  4. I don't know if this has been brought up yet or not. Anyway, does anyone know if the soundtrack has been released yet or will be released soon? I don't see it on Amazon.com. I love the music to this game, but I can't find it anywhere.
    I actually went to a website that had the entire soundtrack, buyable and listenable. When I remember the website I will edit the post with it.

    EDIT: Gears of War Soundtrack <--This is a link BTW.

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