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Posts posted by GuitarNinja

  1. The big problem is' date=' if you can't controll your agro now, thunderfury is a weapon you should never touch. The proc pulls agro like mad.[/quote']

    It doesn't pull aggro.

    Yes, yes it does.

    The proc causes you to do more damage with a sudden burst do to the nature damage.

    Thus agro.

    Okay, let me rephrase that:

    The debuff does not cause aggro.

    It does not cause aggro like an AOE attack.

    And it does not cause more aggro than if you had scored a crit. It causes less aggro than a crit actually. It basically causes the same aggro as a regular Dal Rend sinister strike hit.

    If you cannot manage that kind of aggro, you suck as a rogue and should reroll as a priest.

    Once again no.

    Chance on hit: Blasts your enemy with lightning, dealing 300 Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each jump reduces that victim's Nature resistance by 25. Affects 5 targets. Your target is also consumed by a cyclone, slowing its attack speed by 25% for 12 sec.

    The proc does damage, thus causing threat, also with a debuff that increases your white damage, plus the debuff stacks. Thus a large amount of threat inscreased.

    Look into the numbers if you want to rogue end game more effectively, since threat is just a numbers game.

  2. The big problem is' date=' if you can't controll your agro now, thunderfury is a weapon you should never touch. The proc pulls agro like mad.[/quote']

    It doesn't pull aggro.

    Yes, yes it does.

    The proc causes you to do more damage with a sudden burst do to the nature damage.

    Thus agro.

  3. Don't waste money on a Krol blade, first of all. Dal'Rends set is very close and that's FREE.

    In addition, screw Ebon Mask. In like 3 levels you can get a Ghostshroud which looks the same and has better stats.

    With the changes Dal'Rends is a better main hand weapon now, and the cloak from that quest is better for AB, and the Geddon fight.

  4. If the pally goes for that talent that is rather deep in the paladin tree... (well' date=' deep for a secondary tree...)


    Since when is 11 points "deep"?

    Twenty points is deep. Even considering that, look at 95% of all hunter specs - they are some combination of 31/20 or 30/21.

    I can see a LOT of pallies getting this, unless they go completely PvE spec.

    Since most pally specs are and will be:

    10 10 31 in no specific order.

    Oh and there was another update yesterday to pally talents on the forum. Have a look, it'll make retribution pointless.

    Doubts it, they'll want consecration to aste their tiny mana pool on, which is now in the holy tree.

    Hate what they did to the paladin class, taking away some healing for more DPS.

    GG Blizzard.

  5. I'm on Smolderthorn Horde

    I dropped my guild the other day. It had been coming for a while. I knew I would eventually quit unless something drastic was done about the way they did instances. They rarely did ZG, and when they did it was always the same group of people. There was a large number of 60's in the guild that never even got to try ZG. I recommended them to rotate people in and out after each boss so everyone would get a chance, but they would have nothing of it. Plus we had a lot of younger members who couldn't stay on very long and were generally just very unreliable. And when you have healers that will leave right in the middle of a boss fight... it gets pretty damn aggravating.

    The last straw though was a guild 5 man LBRS attempt. The only reason I went was to tame one of the Bloodaxe Worgs in order to get Furious Howl Rank 4. I dismiss my old wolf when we get to the area just before Halycon. Two seconds later, the MT quits and so everyone leaves before I can even say anything. Needless to say I was furious. I /gquit right then and there.

    Since then I've talked to 3 different guilds (Nightmare's Asylum, Blackgaurd, The Soulbound Brigade) about joining up with them and they all said pretty much the same thing: they all need hunters, but they won't take me until I've done the Onyxia key quest. Which, go figure, requires doing 5 man LBRS.

    ok afk, shooting myself in the foot.

    I'm from Scarlet Crusade myself, and we really aren't that big. Horde is barely pulling three MC groups, and it's really killing some folks.

    I can understand the pain, I'm pretty lucky to be in Raid Awesome.

  6. I am currently a level 10 Orc Hunter on the Alleria server. I have some questions that need answering.

    1.) I'm thinking of going to First Aid and Fishing. Would they be beneficial to my job?

    2.) I'm looking for a pet around the Durotar area that has high damage, but can hold itself in battle. Would a Tiger do the job?

    3.) What should I spend my Talent points on? I'm looking to be beneficial in PvP, PvE, and Instances.

    I make post! For the Horde!

    You can get both, but FIrst Aid will help a bit more in end game.

  7. Nah that was much appreciated..what's "Tier-2" epic? Currently I've got a [Gut Ripper]...is that the lowest tier then considering it was "only" 80g?

    The Krol blade for instance, what's that, about 650g? Is that Tier 2? Are there two tiers in total? (Try saying that five times fast).

    I wouldn't worry about tiers of weapons, only armor. Attempting to remember all the weapon stuff is just blah.

    Gut Ripper is a fine weapon, and will keep you till you get-




  8. First of all, I do play a Rogue.

    Second of all:

    A good item enchant (lets take Frozen Wrath on a level 60 item) is about +23 damage on frost spells. Frost bolt takes what? 1.5 second to cast? 2 seconds?

    Even at a 3 second cast, that frozen wrath item will give a +7.6 DPS upgrade. That is damage not mitigated by armor.

    1. Caster +damage, like with Frozen Wrath, comes at the expense of ALL OTHER STATS. Unlike you guys, casters have to rely on mana. Greens with +spell damage are garbage. You have to build up a massive set of MC level gear; eg 8-10 or so pieces of gear before you start seeing changes.

    2. It's not a direct addition. Only spells that take more than 3 or 3.5 seconds to cast (or so) get the full effect from the +damage. Frostbolts do not get the full effect. If I got a full suit of all BWL gear and Warlord's gear, my 1.5 second cast Mindblast would hit for about.. 200 damage more? For a FULL set of endgame, "godly" gear. So instead of 500 it would hit for 700. Of course, I would also lose spirit, mana per 5 seconds, maximum mana, resistances, healing power, etc if I took this set of gear. Wow, uber. Sorry, but casters take it UP THE ASS in terms of itemization. Rogues have it easiest of any class.

    Rogues are easy mode, keeping agro down is simple, even more simple if you're a sword rogue.

    Caster have it way worse then we do, I'd like to add that the mage MC set doesn't add much damage, but mostly mana, it's a huge give and take. Where as Nightslayer, pours tons of Agility, and some strength giving the rogue more crit, AP, and dodge. It buffs all out main needs with out much choice.

    So, I agree.

  9. Eviscerate still hits pretty hard. Now you know how it feels to not have scaling damage ;) My Shadow Word: Pain has done the same for the last 6 months.

    Well, I'd like to see minor tweaks, rogues for the most part are fine. Folks who want us to be buffed, I guess didn't play when the game first came out, and we were Jesus with DPS.

    The rogue class, should be last for the patches if you ask me, and I play one. I hope they do Priests and Mages at once. When druids can become better at the whole healing thing, then the class that sorta has it in their name is recockulas.

  10. [


    Well... rogues... we have a lot of very small and very annoying issues. Mainly how every time a cloth is buffed' date= it is made harder for us to kill them.

    We rogues don't need much, eviscerate needs a change, in MC and beyond the damage really sucks.

    Also, I'd like to see a new opener.

    What I'd really like to see is a larger choice of spec for end game for priests.

  11. now it's flare. they've lowered the effect radius, increased cooldown and mana cost, and added a giant flaming fucking smoke signal in the middle that screams "DONT STEP HERE ROGUES!"

    Hooray!---erm, I mean, dammit, Blizzard just doesn't know when to stop, do they?

    ... ::cough cough::

    <=== Rogue. <<;

    And the big red arrow that humps your head.

  12. The "new" Paladins are no worse than the old ones, which were very powerful already. The only reason you'd complain about them is if you try to play them like a Warrior. They are combat healers in PvP, and, if you have BWL-level gear, can pump out fairly nice damage as a bonus. But they're at not Warriors first, Priests second.

    I started the game as a Paladin, before my move to horde.

    Aaaaand the paladin changes are in the wrong direction for the paladin. Due to their long life, more DPS is bad with out tweaking it so they die faster.

    I'm not really happy with it, dusted off the paladin and ran around with the new holy/prot tree. I've never been a fan of the ret tree, it just doesn't do well in PvE.

    As for the new instance, and how powerfull the weapons are, they have to be. AQ to be opened needs horde and alliance to kill the fith boss in BWL, and some other overly complex actions. Meaning folks are going to be in BWL gear, so they need upgrades to drool over.

    Mind you, I'm in a group that is almost to Raggy, and we hope to be dieing to him by the 25th, so my information on things outside of MC is limited.

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