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Posts posted by Mithius

  1. I am trying to write more adult lyrics, that mean something real to me.

    This song has me trying to sing, some of the notes sung are too low for me but I tried.

    This is a ballad style track, uses some 80s synths too : )


    City lights the night sky line,

    moonlight drifts, rivers twist

    Starry sky, worlds unknown

    underneath were rivers flow

    But lately I just don't know why, I sigh

    Against the star lit sky.

    Fallen dreams, full embraced

    Miss her smile, her touch, her face

    Eventide by her side her

    Soft song voiced calms my tide

    And lately I just realized why, I sigh

    She was those stars in the sky

    Eventide can be downloaded from here:

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/zrjg5mzqn21/Eventide 192Kb.mp3

  2. Hi everyone

    hope all is good for everyone,been bit ill with a strange cough.

    This is some work that I have recently done. This is the lyrics and the link to a 2 min track.

    I would approach this music with much caution.


    The Lizard King & his Queen have taken over the lands on one of the shores of antiquities way; the lands are not safe anymore the woman (Carina), that Myth loves, has fallen to the lies of a god that does not even exist because the people are really worshipping the Lizard King. The foul words of the Lizard King are so potent because his tongue is filled with vile poison that he has sold and told his race many lies, they now breed undead creatures. After being exposed to these lies for so long Carina now believes them and this has made her weak, this has made it possible for the deceased Lizard queen to live again the Lizard queen has taken over Carina’s mind, Carina’s mind and body have merged into the neither realm. The Lizard king and queens army will soon begin to advance, Myth must kill the Lizard King & queen, to stop the undead Lizard race that live in this part of the kingdom. This is Level 1, the palace of a 1000 Lizards.

    The Level 2 boss will be the Eyes of the dragon king, in the Cavern of a 1000 dragon eyes. Myth still searches for her she still lives the Lizard queen did not have a total grip on the mind and body of Carina

    The story continues………. well, that is if I get round to it.


    Palace of a 1000 Lizards with white and black tongues.

    LEVEL 1 BOSS: The Lizard King

    Praising the Lizard King

    You have no name here

    He summons you to his will

    Black rocks raining down like fire

    Lies in the hands of god

    Praising the Lizard Queen

    You have no name here

    She summons you to her will

    Black rocks raining down like fire

    Lies in the hands of gods

    Price of life, turning sour, devour

    White tongues, black tongues, constant lying

    Stained tongues, worm tongues, constant sighing

    Shame tongues, fear tongues, always prying

    Palace of 1000 lizards, raising armies of the dead

    Marching all over lands, race un-compromised

    Race multiply, praying mantis when will you strike

    You don't know that I am god, you don't know me, I am god

    Forever you pray in fear to the Lizard king

    Forever strike me down.


    Style music: shouting loud,rock metal stuff

    Listen with caution and at your own peril. And if you are a Lizard beware of this music.

    This is the link, size 3.34 Mb


    Cool, take care best regards till next time, peace.

  3. Cool digging these new layouts at Ocremix

    Hi everyone, Hi brothers,long time no post, long time not been around. I hope you all are okay keeping all your selfs well.

    Of late everything I do,seems broken into millions of pieces into a million of nothings.

    This 80s-90s slow rock ballad was composed in november It is called" Tears in the rain". I never really have done much vocal music let alone singing before and I am not a singer of any kind so the vocals are not that well done at all. One has to bear it I guess but I hope the lyrics get across.

    I was influenced in one scene, with some of the words near the end when he dies in bladerunner the movie, where he says "all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain". I do not really know what those words in bladerunner or my lyrics really mean I guess it is ones own interpretation.

    These are the lyrics to the song.

    Life full of hope,

    Dreams into wine,

    With city folks.

    Flows down to meet,

    Rivers that wind,

    Onto the streets.

    At dusk smoke on the rise,

    On up ahead,

    Burning ones eyes.

    Streets crowded again,

    More and more,

    Another dead end.

    No where to fly,

    No where go,

    No broken wings, have got one home,

    Nothing to claim in oneself,

    Just another Isolated cell.

    Here tonight,

    Once one could see the horizon light,

    Those memories gone are lost in time,

    Like tears that fall in the rain.

    Here tonight,

    One could wait for a thousand years,

    One could cry a thousand tears,

    But in the rain those tears just disappear.

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/5g0wm1ykgma/Mastered tears in the rain mp3 256K.mp3

    Everyone take care, best regards and peace out.

  4. Good old SFII,cool Tensei-San this is rocking that's all I have to say bout that.

    Intro is great,guitars sound really powerful.Someone may have touched up on this before,near the end

    I hear a really fast synth or lead instrument. It would be great if in the mix this could be heard

    maybe turn down slightly a few DB on the rhythm guitars if anything just keep the energy that is already there.

    The mix may have some kind of static clipping, so you may want to adjust the overall volume in some places.

    This is all rocking stuff keep going.

  5. Cool SwordBreaker, there was some ideas I really was interested in, like.

    "There he stood alone on the balcony of Hyrule Castle,reflecting on his past memories, his past life. He had never seen his parents. He fought many battles. The green-clad warrior had nobody to turn to when he was hurt physically or emotionally. It was a miracle that he was still alive…still sane…he suddenly remembered someone important who aided him through everything".

    This is great and if any feature animation or film was ever made, I would like to think that Link has never seen his parents. And grows into the hero from his own accord, having both positive and negative traits.From the people he knows and around him,cool idea Swordbreaker.

    - I also like, how you bring the uncle back into mind, As in the game Zelda III, Link receives the sword and shield from his uncle from there he is not really in the picture anymore. Though you bring him back into view, I would say in this respect he looks upto his uncle. As a more important figure into Links past history.

    - Link got close with the princess.

    Link, in the Story I wanted, was there to save Hyrule,

    after that he leaves Hyrule so Link could not really have got too close to Zelda. There is some kind of relationship known to all between Zelda and Link but it is never fully explained in the games, for me that is the direction I wanted and also it would have been too difficult to implement as that would be another story, within the story, One that I could not possibly know or write about. Overall it is good you gave closure to what maybe alot of Zelda fans would want.

    - And lastly I like how you opened very detailed, of the different regions of Hyrule, Zoras domain(A race that only became fully realsied in "Ocarina of time",in Zelda III they where Links enemies other than the King of the Zora's). Particularly liking to the Death mountain, it is great that it casts a shadow over Hyrule. With the now graphical advances on the new systems this shadow idea could be cast in real timeover the land of Hyrule, if there was to ever be another Zelda game. Your opening captures Hyrule


    Zelda II, to me is a great Zelda, it was the 1st Zelda I ever played I played the first years later and then Zelda 3, So I played the Zelda series 2,1,3. I never even heard of Nintendo though one Xmas I was very lucky I got a Nintendo with a bunch of games, Turtles I, castlevania I, Metroid and Zelda II. As a kid I did not even take in the fact that there was a Zelda I. There was no internet help back then if you got stuck in a game, though it was possible to call Nintendo hotline for help. I spent weeks and weeks, months cannot really remember on Zelda II, which is probably now what makes it seem like the biggest Zelda in the world.

    Though if I am honest it does to me convey the sense of a huge overworld, it does this because the overworld sections are viewed like Zelda I but zoomed right out, in this view you cannot attack. Beening zoomed out makes it feel like a very big world as you travel to village and village. Is this not like in the Final fantasy worlds of RPG, Zelda II, on a scale is tipped more in that direction,of an RPG.

    There was also many villages in Zelda II and gathering information at these villages was something new and gave the villages a purpose. That is the one thing I would want, if there ever was a next Zelda on the new systems. They have races Gorons and Zoras and so fourth. They have Kakariko village and Hyrule city, in the next one have as many villages as in Zelda II as wellas everything else. I know this would be very difficult as in the games I have played from Nintendo, they create ideas in games that serve's the gaming experience.

    In todays age, with the power of all these systems it would be all well to have a super large world with 10 villages and 10 areas, though if they do nothing and are just there for wondering around, it would really serve no purpose and in the end it would not be worth it, everything to me is for the gaming experience.

    As there have been times in games when it must be bigger more of everything, more, more, more, more.but they do not question why? what do these areas or things do in the game? How do they effect the game late on? then those areas or things will indeed, feel a little empty.

    Also Zelda II's West region and East region continents, to me in a small sense relates and predates Zelda 3's light and dark worlds.

    This is how I understand how it could of evolved and is just an interpretation.

    In Zelda II you start of on one continent the enemy encounters are not so troublesome.

    Zelda 3 you start of in the light world enemies you encounter are not so troublesome.

    Zelda II the second continent is different and the enemy encounters are more troublesome.

    Zelda 3 the dark world is different and the enemies you encounter are more troublesome.

    It is not much really but at the basic of basic levels that is what is happening and a relation is born.

    Hello Just64helping,is there a way to not have any second pauses between tracks. When I got it finalized, it was oringally one whole track but I asked is it possible to mark out sections of each tracks so it could register on a CD. CD1 and CD2 as a download should be okay as that was archived into one downloadable Mp3 file. And maybe as Ramaniscene said it could be the media or the media settings you are using.

    Hello OverCoat, staying dedicated for many months is a difficult thing to do, encouragement is not so easy to sustain. Though if perseverance is held, it can find a conclusion of some sort.

    I do not know what to say the japanese have listened to it, that is good I hope, that is too much.

  6. Thanks Sword breaker

    The singing voice was done by Amy, I asked her would she sing this melody with these words, that I wrote and she said yes. It was challenging, as there are some phrases, that are not in common time though she got through it. I am not sure what you mean by chorus, though as an answer everything else regarding vocals was sample base.

    I guess the rest of the project is so, so. The written story I understand, is not that readable, I have never done anything like that before but I like some of the ideas that came to be, because of the music, most of the ideas came about because of the music.

    Idea The great bridge - A bridge that stretchs out for miles and connects 2 continent's together, they have bridges in Zelda,not ones that really connect

    2 land masses together I imagine a very long bridge

    Idea The Golden forest- A forest of golden light, that surrounds Lake Hylia and also has a shrine in the centre of the lake. how this shown in the pictures, is not how I am seeing it. Though the forest of light only appears when the 3 suns merge into 1, the forest becomes a glowing light not Xray, something else I just do not know what. I think these ideas have been told before but not in zelda and this is for the zelda world.

    "Divide your story into pages. In each page, you have the text obviously

    in addition to its associated artwork that fits with the scene and the associated music track that's directly streamed as the reader delves into the story text".

    This is a great Idea but would there not be some problems because some of the written story is sometimes longer or shorter to read then the music.

    Is that not what makes it all unstable or maybe if people did not care if it is longer or shorter it would then work.

    The artwork- it would be cool to have someone draw artwork for this, though who would be willing to draw ideas, for this Project.

    Ramaniscence this is too cool, I will keep on saying this is all more than I imagined. Zelda III "A Link to the past" by Nintendo really defined the Zelda series. it was one of the first games to appear at around the time, when Super Nintendo launched, it needed to say many things,to many people and it did. It returned to an overview, look down perspective. From Zelda 1 and it evolved all of the ideas from the previous games to the next level.

  7. Thanks Geoffrey Taucer, the Reverb on the Violin, I will turn down the reverb. At around 0.31 I used a muted trumpet on one melody and an open trombone on another melody, when the Trumpet goes to a high register it sounds weak.

    Overall this is a weak remix of the ship theme, if I was to go back to the original verse and chorus theme and expand on that my version of the verse and chorus of the theme is at 0.52 - 1.20s. Then somehow make my way to the ending then possibly it could create some sense of a structure being present.

    Thanks for your criticism, comments.

  8. WIP Klomps Romp,

    Hi to all this is Klomps Romp any advice in the mixing would be greatly appreciated. what instrument levels should be changed and at what times? what about the bass is the level okay,? should there be more low end or less, or high end? Guitar rhythm and leads the levels? is the distortion okay?

    and anything else regarding the mix.

    Thanks for your time.

    It is Titled Klomps romp revised

    here is the file:


  9. I think everyone is going stone me out of the village. This an revised version, I am not sure if this is any better,I changed the compressors on the Acoustic guitars and took out a a little of the mids on the overall track,does that work?. And For the lead Acoustic sections I accidentally added a mild distortion ,it sounded cool, though does that work here?. Are the levels right? i feel like im in a rush for no reason,this is not to be even used, man is that madness,that was a band.

    It is Titled: Klomps romp revised

    here is the file:


    If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it cool and thanks

  10. Hello Willrock 07, Regard mixing- I would turn down some of the low end Frequencies 20-200 Hz on some of the low pitched sounds, or another solution is the reverb you use, use a smaller room reverb or use less and if the reverb has a bass cut or something of a similar nature, use some bass cut,

    maybe all that is needed is the reverb to sit well in the mix.

    Try to make sure every instrument defined,which is easy to say but hard to do. An example If you are layering 2 or more sounds together, for example 2 or 3 basses ask the question do you need 2 or 3 basses layered and if you do, ask the question do they take up the same frequency range, maybe you want that, then that is okay but it will be more difficult to define each sound or instrument.I hope this is some small advice that can be used or applied.

  11. Hi this a near finshed Klomps "Bluegrass" romp. I was wondering is there anyone willing to master this.

    Also do you think any of the levels of any instruments should be changed,

    what instruments and at what time in the track so I know where to change the levels.

    This track is at minus -3 DB ,

    I have left room for it to be mastered by someone.

    the MP3 Was compressed to 192Kb.

    it is 3.21Mb

    The structure for this remix is :

    Klomp verse - 0.00 - 0.16s

    break 1 - 0.16s - 0.52s

    Klomp verse - 0.52s - 1.02s

    Klomp Chorus - 1.02s - 1.20s

    break 2 - 1.20s - 1.59s

    Klomp verse -1.59s - 2.09s

    ending- 2.09s - 2.20s

    The file is here


    There will be 2 files one is a rough version and the other is titled:

    Klomps romp -3DB for mastering

    And sorry before I was, did not mean to be rude to Tensei-san or anyone else.

  12. Hello, I cannot stop, for I have done a fair amount already even a finished structure. It is short 2.20s but at double time of 130Bpm. I have to continue I am sorry. If it okay as a remix cool if not it is still cool. That is how things have turned, the funny thing is, this piece is something I would not do. Though it has turned into something I now do.

  13. Hi,Is this still going, what tracks have not been covered. Does anyone have Mp3s or midi or any info of the tracks that have still to be done. I have not played the game though in Retro Gamer they say Contra 4 does great justice to the Contra universe, going back to it's roots. My friend downloaded a trailer sometime ago and I heard some very short music clips it sounded great. Man, it sure did sound very difficult if one was to transcribe them. I hope they are not insanity in difficult. If it is a crazy solo or melody to transcribe maybe I am not at that level. Though I would like to give it a shot, at least once be able to do something like this,if it is still going on and if I can live up to it that is. If anyone can point me in the direction much appreciate

    I could of summed all this up by saying, Can I try to join this project, if it is still going and what needs to be done.

  14. Thanks sil for your views.

    I do not believe I have heard of Alfred Schnittke, I have heard of the name Ives though I have still not heard any of Ives music. It is only recent than I have understood in the music I create, I tend to use a lead melody that seems to get priority over everything else. Thats how passages for me seem to now stretch for long periods of time, I am not sure how to get away from this way of thinking. I have studied some Bach pieces at Uni and I also in my spare time arranged some S,T,A,B Bach choral pieces for 4 guitars, though I need contrapuntally to do a lot more if I am to gain a firm understanding of Counter point.

    In my commentary for modes of war, that I said here and I handed in, in may, I mention I use 5/6 ideas that make up this piece,this is a correct statement and not correct statement. I will try to explain, while I do use 5/6 ideas throughout the piece,the ideas I use themselves do not make up the piece. This is something I should have said before.

    To explain this (and I hope this makes some sense) I will use Shigeru Miyamoto when he produced a game in the past(because I am not sure if he has changed his ways)

    An interviewer asks the question (similar but not quote)when producing a game what is the overall percentage of the level one needs to completes the game and what is the percentage of the secrets within the game. Miyamoto replies 70% is the game it self and 30% is the secrets of the game. To me the secrets are the little motives or ideas I use and it is probably less than 30% of this piece,maybe about 20-25%,though if one sticks through they will find these little secrets hidden,scattered across the whole piece,the idea could played by the piano or by any of the string instruments. And very near towards the end I start bringing these ideas one after the after, sometimes 2 or 3 on top of each other, I got this idea from the great Shoastakovich which he done in one of his quartets.

    Cadence or closure, a teacher at Uni has mentioned this to me, It does not really cadence, in the classical world which is different from the world I am from would say that this composition has no full stops, music is one thing to me, words on paper is another to me. There is a very large full stop at the end no one can miss that full stop. (A cadence in F sharp minor). Though when trying to get this played it did cause super problems in that the violin parts stretched for nearly 9 pages,in-fact nearly all the instruments had absurd length pages, without a pause,there I now see to use full stops, I was in the wrong there. In the future I should at least give instruments more of a rest though for this piece that is what I wanted them to play.

    "Stream of consciousness" yes in regards to modes of war, let the music go where ever it wanted to go. Some people may not like this way of thinking in music or in this piece and one of the consequences one pays in this piece, is like you said it gives very little for listeners to attach to. It also makes people think that this is just a bunch of different parts or sections pieced together, I also arrived at the conclusion that many sections are like pedals not a true pedals but there is a common note within each section that sustains the section so counterpoint is not so possible. though if they give it a chance, they can hear that overall it equals more than the sum of it's parts.

    I am an adult composition student, this piece does not count towards the final mark. The head of composition at the University, who is an amazing composer, took to this composition, I really thought I was going to get slated or stoned like an outcast.

    I had been listening at Dimitri's 5th symphony and some of his quartets, so it was inevitable I would bring him back to life, I do like to know do people notice or care for these things 15.38s, and in the violin at 17.00s it is many other places as well in the piano at 20.13s. I would go as far as to say that one of the ideas out of the 5/6 is in the vain of Shoastakovich. I probably will get stoned to death for plagiarizing, for saying and doing things like that.

    Why did I not compress them at 128 kbps or other normal figures, I really was not thinking there, I was so Hyped on letting people know about the other project that I did not even think about those odd ratios, right they are odd, next time I will do friendly numbers.

    Thanks again Sil I really appreciate the comments

  15. Thanks for the replies and outlook Hylian lemon and Darklink42

    When Goodnight back at Vgmix provided a link to a place with the Zelda FX's samples, I found more than I was expecting. Your right Hylian lemon I think I went overboard with the Zelda FX's and in doing so maybe placed them in more places than I really should of, I sometimes mixed different FX's an example Zelda 3 FX's with Ocarina of time FX's maybe that too was a bad move.

    Why the change in mood in the great fairy cave?

    I like to let music go where it wants but in this instance the change may have been too much and too drastic. And as the music was finished first (Was it Pink Floyd's the Wall was created something like that,the Wall is amazing)I really wrote the Story around that. So in the music when it goes midi-like and clustered, that is Link following the lights in the cave, it is all very warped. I have the files,stored, so it could be possible to go back and arrange the piece.

    Is it a story or script?

    As the music was finished first I would have to say it is both trying to be a story and a script.

    How is this possible?

    Because I am trying to explain the music in words and at the same time those words make a story and whatever the story needs in words,It would turn into whatever it needed to turn into. In the story/script Link actually talks, some people may get offended by this but I do not know how Link would get around this if he could not talk.

    The story revolves around Link for the whole adventure and only in one scene does it venture anywhere else. That scene is Ganondorf's betrayal, this maybe makes it a very weak story, as it seems to be only about Link's adventure maybe now I should have called it the story of Link but Link is trying to save Hyrule, and for a lot of the stories it seems Hyrule is always under-threat.

    And I am sorry that Zelda did not have more scenes,though she was a very important character probably the most important as she was the only one that could bring back Ganondorf, a true story or script would need to somehow include Zelda and other characters a lot more. This Story would need major changes to have any real substance or depth for it to appeal to a wider and older audience.

    The same instrumentation?

    I never thought of it like that until now that you have mentioned it but for me I wanted it to be like 3/4 piece band,2x guitars, bass and drums though sometimes many guitars at a show with an orchestra, that is why it uses mostly the same instruments. This is why forums are a good thing a different perspective will allow pieces to grow differently with variation. I tried to not tell anyone, just is case it never got finished my bad.

    Yes I agree with you the Electric guitar as the main instrument does not suit all of the tracks and different styles should have been adapted to create more variations. from that perspective then this composition will get a bit tiring to most." Link with 80's hair, Ganondorf wearing KISS style face paint, and Zelda in a tight leather outfit ". This is great I laugh it is funny,though does it really give that sense of feeling? Could this composition be summed up in a caption like that? I just wanted a heros verses villains kind of music, though in doing it that way it seems I have sacrificed some of the essence of what makes it Zelda music.

    Like in the answer to to Hylian lemon, I can go back and extend it, make it whole track, as the files are stored, when is the question for me. Though Is it okay to ask you Darklink42 and Hylian lemon what would you have suggested as maybe a structure?, or as variations? or instruments? to extend that track. If not onto me,it may give others ideas for their composition or remixes.

    "I don't honestly mean to sound too harsh" Not at all this is your perspective and in some ways I agree, you are correct, it all sounds very similar and the 80s years as much I would like to say it does not, it does tend to fall in that path more often than not . I still have a lot to learn,in fact to learn is a life time in it self.

    I read recently that Miyamoto wrote the first and second Zelda's but for the 3rd he had someone's assistance I will get the name who helped him next time.

    Thanks Hylian lemon and Darklink42 the criticism you have provided has been just and I am grateful.

  16. Hello is it okay to ask these question to anyone.

    I would like to know what people think of this composition, any criticism is okay. What do people who compose within a tonal center think of Modes of war?

    And what do people who compose in an atonal centre think of Modes of war?

    This piece is based on 5-6 ideas, these ideas interact more towards the end what does one sense by the end of piece?

    What does one feel when they listen to this piece?

    what does it convey to one?

    I would be grateful if anyone took the time to have any thoughts on this piece.

  17. Hi Hylian lemon thanks for taking the time to hear and see and comment on the story of Hyrule.

    I should make it clear the story it self is for kids, my grammar has never been sharp so there

    are many flaws with the written story.

    How long did it take?

    It took a very long time, it started when I heard Virt's super metroid's Crystal Flash composition for the first time.(Sorry I have not had permission to say Crystal Flash)though it was some thing I could relate to as I had played that game when I was young. And then in Jan 2006 I started to get the notion of a Zelda remix, more adventurous then the Shenmue to the east remix I done before. So I started arranging a large midi piece, a very long version even longer than this version. Of the 3 Zelda games I grew up on,3 months later it was finished, and I started recording though by the second track it was not going to plan (I did not like any of it)so I stopped, about a month and half later.I gave up, in the fall of 2006 october I finished a piece at the university which was track2 Prologue Ganondorf's labyrinth it sounded zelda - rish,to me it did and that piece kicked started it all, from there I redone the original structure and months and months went past,changing the structure moving things around, it was roughly halfway through that I had the definitive structure and finally by 2007 may I had finished.

    Why is it released in 2008?

    The reason for this is I wanted to have a website to hold all this up. And I was never happy with the 1st one done,( it was a friend of mine who had made it) which was completed round 2007 september, and by then the Uni had started again so I had to wait, wait, and wait until now. Only recent that I could take the time to rearrange the website,so I took the template of the 1st website and I spent time on it after Uni had finished in june 2008.

    I hope that has answered your question.

    I like maps as well, why? I do not know. Though for me gives it this music a sense of environment.

    where link traveled too,how it fits in the story and so on, the only thing I did not do was name the map areas.

    I did name them on a rough picture I did but the names are not present here.

    Cool thanks for comment on the file size,I would like to think that there are more people like you who does not mind the wait but this is a flaw someone pointed out on another website. So this is another option for people,I have put CD1 and CD2 up on another host website at media fire,it might be more simpler to go there.Though that does defy the whole purpose of the website.

    May I ask Hylian lemon, what appealed or what did not appeal to you?

    If anyone one else has listened does anyone have criticism on the music or anything else relating to

    The story of Hyrule.

    What does one think of the guitar tone? or how could it have been mixed better? or any other thoughts one has.

    Are any of these 1-44 tracks acceptable enough to be submitted into OCRemix or Vgmix for a review, or are they


    I would be grateful if there are anymore thoughts from anyone on The Story Of Hyrule.

    Here are the links

    Zelda CD1 and CD2 at media fire:

    Key: [ O ] = original music [ Z ] = Zelda Theme taken from I, II or III



    PART 1

    Act I

    01-Title screen-

    [ Z , I ] = This is Part of The Legend of Zelda title screen Theme


    02-Prologue Ganondorf's labyrinth-

    [ O ] = My theme for Ganons tower titled = Ganons labyrinth PT1


    Act II

    03-Agahnims plot-

    [ Z , III ] = Agahnims and Ganondorfs theme and introduction


    04-Hyrule castle-

    [Z , III ]


    05-Upper chambers-

    [ O ] = A mid tempo theme


    06-Boss fight Armos Knights-

    [Z , III ]


    07-Boss Win-

    [Z , III ]


    Act III

    08-West hyrule the dark lands-

    [Z , III ]


    09- The Great fairy cave-

    [Z , III ] = Name input, gameover and fairy theme


    Act IV

    10- New Kasuto town-

    [Z , II ] = Village theme NES Style


    11- New Kasuto town wise man / kasuto forest meadow-

    [Z , II ] = Village theme Not nes style,then a variation.And after that a meadow theme


    12-Lostwoods / master sword-

    [Z , III ]


    PART 1 END

    PART 2

    Act V

    13-Links journey begins-

    [ O ]


    14-Overworld Hyrule great plains-

    [ Z , II ]


    15-Underworld / secret caverns-

    [ Z , I ] = After the underworld theme,Link finds a secret cavern


    Act VI

    16-Goddess calls in the secret caverns-

    [ O ]


    17-The forger of strength-

    [ O ] = variations on the underworld Z I chord sequence


    18-The keeper of knowledge-

    [ O ] = variations on the underworld Z I chord sequence


    19-The juror of courage-

    [ O ] = variations on the underworld Z I chord sequence


    20-Underworld ruined chamber phantom Ganon boss fight.

    [ O ] = variations on the Z I underworld,Legend of Zelda theme and chord sequence


    Act VII

    21-Link fails Gameover screen-

    [Z , III ] = Name input, gameover and fairy theme


    22-Link is revived-

    [ O ]


    23-Return to the underworld palace II-

    [ Z , II ]


    24-Great ruined golden palace-

    [ Z , II ]


    PART 2 END


    PART 3

    25-The search for the golden forest-

    [ O ] = Mixes parts of the Dark forest theme,Chorus and verse,1st chorus enters at 2.50s

    the legend of Zelda theme enters around 7.00 mark & various other elements.


    26-The dark forest-

    [ Z , III ] = Only the verses from D forest & D mountain and another composer


    27-Ganondorf's betrayal-

    [ O ]


    28-Death mountain summit-

    [ Z , III ]


    29-1st floor ganondorf's tower and labyrinth-

    [ Z , III ] = The intro is Original


    30-6th Floor boss chamber Iron Knuckle-

    [ Z , II ] = Zelda 2 boss theme,Later a small part of Legend of Zelda melody theme. And from 1.40s till the end it is all Original music


    31-7th Floor the Triforce calls-

    [ O ] =Ganon labyrinth Pt2

    At around 0.55s part of The Legend of Zelda melody enters


    Act X

    32-8th floor Agahnims respite-

    [ Z , III ]


    33-Boss fight Agahnim-

    [ O ] = Ganon labyrinth PT3,

    At around 1.10s Part of The Legend of Zelda melody enters


    Act XI

    34-Ganon the eternal beast /Ganondorf Dragmire-

    [ Z , III ]


    35-The duel with Ganon-

    [ Z , III ]


    36-The Triforce is whole again-

    [ Z , III ]


    37-The Triforce wish-

    [ O ]


    38-Link frees princess Zelda-

    [ O ] = This uses the Legend of Zelda theme melody in parts and in various ways


    39-The journey home-

    [ O ] = This was inspired by Twilight Princesses ending


    40-The awakening of peace in Hyrule-

    [ Z , I ] = The Legend of Zelda theme


    41-Princess Zelda's remembrance-

    [ O ]


    42-The sunsets on the continent of Hyrule-

    [ Z , III ] = This is the dark world over world theme a variation


    43-The master sword is returned-

    [ O and Z , I ] = The Legend of Zelda theme variation



    44 - Epilogue Bonus


    If anyone is still intrested in the website - www.mithius.50webs.com

  18. 2wice in one day this is not possible, okay carry on.

    Hello at uni throughout 2007 - 2008 I composed music for a Ballet/contemporary dance played by a quartet.

    The quartet and the instruments used at the Ballet/contemporary dance were:

    1 - violin

    1 - viola

    1 - cello

    and a piano

    It did get it played by a real quartet,the resident quartet of the Uni, though very differently,

    alot slower, many different notes than these audio files. Though it was an experience I shall not forget.

    I do not have live recordings of that event sorry these audio files will have to do.

    Modes of War: This is the 24 minute version, I also created a 16 min version and a 7min,

    which is the last 7mins of the 24minute version. Which is what the quartet played at the show.

    Modes of war needed a conductor and I could not conduct this though I did create it which is strange.

    Jeremy conducted it, he put a lot of energy I thank him for that here.

    This is some of my commentry:

    Modes of war was initially thought out to be conflicts of modes or modes layered on top of each other

    from different scales not relating so much to each other, though in a musical and melodic manner.

    The original 24 minutes version was not unrelenting it had breaks that would give other instruments time to rest.

    Modes of war is about simply ideas, not forms that structure the music but ideas that structure the music,

    these ideas are short in length and then placed throughout the composition in places I see fit and when these

    ideas do appear it is like a little secret, or even a ray of hope or as an opposite a death ray has appeared.

    The waltz was composed at the same time of modes of war. It is not part of the Ballet or part of Modes of war

    though it does use some ideas from Modes of war so in a way it is part of it.

    I hope people can enjoy it in a different light.

    The samples used for these files were from eastwest strings gold

    Here are the Mp3s of the same version at different bit rates:

    One should be able to paste these addresses and download the files should.

    Waltz 120Bit:


    waltz 81bit:


    modes of war 120bit:


    modes of war 81bit:


    modes of war 61bit:


    modes of war 31bit:


    Thanks and I am happy I can share this as well.

  19. Updated

    This is a video link

    The Story of Hyrule can be found here


    Both are provided by Ramaniscence


    I am excited,almost heart attack excited.

    Hello community sorry I have not appeared and being part of something for along time. I have been concentrating on Uni work.

    Hello also to Listeners, Remixers, Composers, musicians and anyone else within the community.

    Hopefully soon Vgmix X will be able to create a new accounts again,as they are having trouble,as I would of liked to of posted this there as well.

    Though for now it seems not possible.

    To me this project has evolved from one grain of sand to many grains. And in the process has taken a long, long time, in a galaxy far, far away.

    The different aspects of the project the art, the music and the story was finished at different times throughout 2007. The music was 1st,the story 2nd then the art, the project is now finished to the best of my ability.And in the process I think I have gone insane well maybe not.

    If it is okay I would like to share this.


    In a time where the hearts of many have grown to believe a true freedom of peace is theirs.

    In reality it lays to ruins in the hands and desires of one.


    This is taken from a scene in the story

    02 -Prologue Ganondorf's labyrinth-

    After travelling across the entire continent of Hyrule. Over mountains, braving though forests, rivers, lakes, and dungeons.Link has finally found the entrance to Ganondorf's towering labyrinth. Link has fought his way to the inner chambers of the tower.Knowing this will be the final confrontation, Link must face his greatest fears and doubts within himself.

    If he is to overcome the king of thieves in the battle to save Hyrule.


    Link falls and lands facing Ganondorf, Ganondorf turns around and speaks.

    Ganondorf - I do not know how someone so young bested the guardians of my labyrinths. And also managed to defeat the wizard Agahnim

    But I still possess the Triforce and will never give it up to you.

    Link - No one may possess the Triforce,it belongs to it self,as surly as a soul belongs to it's body.

    Ganondorf - Ah! but in my hands the Triforce will grant me any desires I wish.And my desire is to see the destruction of every land,in every kingdom,within this earth to burn.So I may then begin to construct from the ashes a new world as I see fit.

    Link - The world survives by balance when the balance is tipped in favor of one half resolvment must be attained.Ganondorf I cannot let you continue I cannot let this happen.

    Ganondorf - Ha! you are to resolve me boy!. You say these words but can you back them up.Prey then that the sword you wield protects you. And prepare yourself for those are the last words you will utter.

    -Scene over-


    Key: [ O ] = original music [ Z ] = Zelda Theme taken from I, II or III



    PART 1

    Act I

    01-Title screen-

    [ Z , I ] = This is Part of The Legend of Zelda title screen Theme

    02-Prologue Ganondorf's labyrinth-

    [ O ] = My theme for Ganons tower titled = Ganons labyrinth PT1

    Act II

    03-Agahnims plot-

    [ Z , III ] = Agahnims and Ganondorfs theme and introduction

    04-Hyrule castle-

    [Z , III ]

    05-Upper chambers-

    [ O ] = A mid tempo theme

    06-Boss fight Armos Knights-

    [Z , III ]

    07-Boss Win-

    [Z , III ]

    Act III

    08-West hyrule the dark lands-

    [Z , III ]

    09- The Great fairy cave-

    [Z , III ] = Name input, gameover and fairy theme

    Act IV

    10- New Kasuto town-

    [Z , II ] = Village theme NES Style

    11- New Kasuto town wise man / kasuto forest meadow-

    [Z , II ] = Village theme Not nes style,then a variation.And after that a meadow theme from another Zelda game

    12-Lostwoods / master sword-

    [Z , III ]

    PART 1 END

    PART 2

    Act V

    13-Links journey begins-

    [ O ]

    14-Overworld Hyrule great plains-

    [ Z , II ]

    15-Underworld / secret caverns-

    [ Z , I ] = After the underworld theme,Link finds a secret cavern

    Act VI

    16-Goddess calls in the secret caverns-

    [ O ]

    17-The forger of strength-

    [ O ] = variations on the underworld Z I chord sequence

    18-The keeper of knowledge-

    [ O ] = variations on the underworld Z I chord sequence

    19-The juror of courage-

    [ O ] = variations on the underworld Z I chord sequence

    20-Underworld ruined chamber phantom Ganon boss fight.

    [ O ] = variations on the Z I underworld,Legend of Zelda theme and chord sequence

    Act VII

    21-Link fails Gameover screen-

    [Z , III ] = Name input, gameover and fairy theme

    22-Link is revived-

    [ O ]

    23-Return to the underworld palace II-

    [ Z , II ]

    24-Great ruined golden palace-

    [ Z , II ]

    PART 2 END


    PART 3

    Act VIII-------------------------Orchestral ---------------------------------

    25-The search for the golden forest-

    [ O ] = Mixes parts of the Dark forest theme,Chorus and verse,1st chorus enters at 2.50s

    the legend of Zelda theme enters around 7.00 mark & various other elements.

    26-The dark forest-

    [ Z , III ] = Only the verses from D forest & D mountain and another composer

    27-Ganondorf's betrayal-

    [ O ]

    28-Death mountain summit-

    [ Z , III ]


    29-1st floor ganondorf's tower and labyrinth-

    [ Z , III ] = The intro is Original

    30-6th Floor boss chamber Iron Knuckle-

    [ Z , II ] = Zelda 2 boss theme,Later a small part of Legend of Zelda melody theme. And from 1.40s till the end it is all Original music

    31-7th Floor the Triforce calls-

    [ O ] =Ganon labyrinth Pt2

    At around 0.55s part of The Legend of Zelda melody enters

    Act X

    32-8th floor Agahnims respite-

    [ Z , III ]

    33-Boss fight Agahnim-

    [ O ] = Ganon labyrinth PT3,

    At around 1.10s Part of The Legend of Zelda melody enters

    Act XI

    34-Ganon the eternal beast /Ganondorf Dragmire-

    [ Z , III ]

    35-The duel with Ganon-

    [ Z , III ]

    36-The Triforce is whole again-

    [ Z , III ]

    37-The Triforce wish-

    [ O ]

    Act XII-----------------------------Orchestral------------------------------

    38-Link frees princess Zelda-

    [ O ] = This uses the Legend of Zelda theme melody in parts and in various ways

    39-The journey home-

    [ O ] = This was inspired by Twilight Princesses ending

    40-The awakening of peace in Hyrule-

    [ Z , I ] = The Legend of Zelda theme

    41-Princess Zelda's remembrance-

    [ O ]

    42-The sunsets on the continent of Hyrule-

    [ Z , III ] = This is the dark world over world theme a variation

    43-The master sword is returned-

    [ O and Z , I ] = The Legend of Zelda theme variation



    44 - Epilogue Bonus



    Notes -

    In some cases within each track,there is a mixture of my Original and Zelda material.

    Separation between original and zelda themes are made all that more difficult.


    I would like to give thanks to those who have helped.


    The words sang by Amy on track 16 -Goddess calls in the secret caverns-

    Truth in the light of ones love.


    The Triforce is a symbol.

    That represents light in darkness.

    Now Hyrule stands ruined again.

    Ganon seals the light in all.


    Wayne (Francis) Clef who busts a super groove on the Sax on track 17- The forger of strength-

    Malcolm who jammed the Trumpet on track 18- The keeper of knowledge-


    I would Like to thank everyone who I cannot so remember who has ever helped me in this music,story, art project.

    Goodnight who provided the much appreciated Zelda Fx samples.

    Everyone at Vgmix.com the moderators,the musicians,the composers and the community and the other websites that I visit / wonder around in and out of,once a revolution around the sun.

    And Nintendo as a whole and Shigeru Miyamoto,for creating those great games with great themes and great stories.


    On the website I have a Q&A, plus pictures,maps of Links journey

    The written Story of Hyrule and the Lore to the Story of Hyrule (zelda 1,2 and 3 mostly 3,told in a different way).

    - The story it self is aimed at the younger age 8-12 but hopefully as a whole with the music and the art it can be viewed also by the older age.

    -The samples mostly used for the orchestral parts were eastwest gold.

    The website can be found here and the downloads are split into CD1 = Includes Part 1 and 2 CD2 = Includes Part 3

    The music is hosted on another sever,Mega upload,you can type in a password wait 45 seconds and if all is okay ,you should be able to download,if you wish.

    It will take a very long time for someone to download,the 2CD files,the files are big in size,

    I guess taking this long I understand if no one,downloads and listens to this composition.



    There are many things now that I would have changed with sounds and the mixing of the music like Hi hats and snares and different sounds and the story and so on. Though it is, what it is now, I guess that is all I can say.

    In the truth I just wanted to make something that not only meant something to me but could mean,however small,something to others who played those adventures.

    Thank you and take care of yourselves.

    This fan website can be found here: mithius.50webs.com

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