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Posts posted by higgs

  1. What's annoying is that they only care if the IP is big and/or if there is noticeable fan interest in the fangame. Some Japanese fan team made a FOR-PROFIT fan sequel to Threads of Fate called "Duo Princess" in 2003 and it's still available to buy and yet Square Enix never stopped them:



    I assume Square Enix never killed this because the Threads of Fate fan community isn't big enough, although the project did get popular enough for an English journalist to write about it on a website hosted by Kurt Kalata.

  2. They've already hit quite a few other projects, to include a fully 3d version of Chrono Trigger remade a few years ago.

    Actually Chrono Resurrection was supposed to be a "short interactive technical demo" of sorts featuring 10 locations from the original game (Crono's Room and Crono's Kitchen count as 2 locations). It was to have a basic battle system but not much gameplay and Ayla and Robo weren't supposed to be playable. It would have been awesome to play but don't mistake it for a real game.

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