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Everything posted by lilrican

  1. Yes, I usually do use the BooBass in FL, but I'm getting kinda tired of the same old thing and I'm looking for something else. So if you have any tips.... thanks
  2. Can someone send me a link to the bass forum around here , if you know where it is, (if there even is one). If not can anyone help me out with a bass site? I looked on google but many that I have heard had that kind of cheap noise to it. thanx
  3. ive been using flstudio for quite a long time and i dont think ive even tapped into the full potential of it yet... do u guys no of any sites where i could get an easy tutorial for this program so i could get more in depth with it?
  4. did any of u guys dled flstudio off of limewire or kazaa?
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