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Posts posted by JackKieser

  1. Ok . I've done some thinking Aron.

    It's time you discover the world of George Carlin.

    Please check some stuff on youtube from him.

    It'll be a good experience. I promise.

    Yes... but George Carlin has stuff to say. I seriously doubt that "'til the sweat drops down my balls, 'til all these bitches crawl" is a roundabout treatise on the socio-religious climate of the United States the same way some of Carlin's more vulgar work is.

    This argument that vulgar rap is ok because a few people have something to say with it is bogus. Someone in west LA might have something to say, but I seriously doubt that 'Lil Jon and the Eastside Boys or 50 Cent have something to say about the plight of black Americans... you know, since they are both rich and successful.

  2. Well, honestly, I don't think there would be any room for a third portable in that market. Nintendo has what, 75% and Sony has the rest? Yeah, good luck getting in there.

    But really, I think this is going to be the next N-Gage.

    Well, Nintendo has 75%, Apple has 10% (if you include the iProducts as gaming devices), and Sony has the rest, since the PSP isn't doing so hot right now.

    But otherwise, yes, I agree.

  3. I'm not as much surprised at the thread split, because I think that's perfectly justified. If there is a thread dedicated to a specific song, keep the discussion specific to that song.

    ...what I AM surprised about is the general "fuck off" attitude exhibited by this thread. It'd be one thing if the general attitude was "fuck off to your own thread in gen. disc., where you can then bring up discussion about the state of rap / hip-hop music as it pertains to present day socio-political roles", but that's not what we're getting here.

    I actually read a post that said "you won't change anyone's minds". That's a HORRIBLE MINDSET for a discussion forum.

    First of all, art is art, but there is always a discussion to be had there. Sure, I could write a beautiful 4 movement sonata about how women should be in the kitchen and in burkas and never vote, but just because it's art doesn't mean:

    A ) I'm not bringing up societal issues.

    B ) I'm not professing a desire for human rights violations.

    C ) I'm not objectifying an entire group of people.

    ...which I think is more the heart of this "fiasco" here. I don't know much about the history on OCRemix about this, but I DO know that:

    A ) most rap music from late 90s-now has markedly more profanity in it than earlier rap.

    B ) modern rap frequently objectifies women, makes role models out of murderers and drug addicts, and teaches anti-establishment/borderline anarchic philosophies.

    C ) has a societal crime rate well above any other genre of recording artists, which correlates to an inner city/urban crime rate that is well above the American average and MUCH higher than European counterparts.

    The profanity, in and of itself, is not the issue. I cuss all the time, and a stray "fuck" isn't going to cause me to kill anyone any more than a round of Halo will (that is to say, not at all). But to suggest that there is not debate to be had here is disingenuous, at best.

    I'm more disappointed that there are actually people out there who think not discussing because everyone has a viewpoint is a valid way to live. Everyone has a right to a viewpoint, but not every viewpoint is a good one, nor is every viewpoint even socially acceptable. "Blacks should be in jail" is a valid viewpoint, insofar as someone could theoretically logically justify it... but that doesn't mean that it isn't unacceptable for someone to actually hold that viewpoint.

    To conclude... look at the way the Dutch tolerate so much that they allow Muslims to commit hate crimes in their country out of fear that they are being religiously intolerant by stopping them. Sometimes, you can be too tolerant.

  4. Dear lord, this is an awesome arrangement! Very minimalist at times, but I like that; it feels very atmospheric. Do a few more takes and get the instumentation down pat, and this will be absolutely beautiful, especially the beginning and end.

    I want to hear not only this piece finished... but the whole suite! PLEASE do 3 more movements... please.

    ...pretty please.

  5. YES, Balanced Brawl FTW! That's what I use, too. I haven't played vanilla Brawl in ages. I played at the Anime Matsuri 2010 tournament, but it wasn't any fun. Too much MK. Lucario is actually my BBrawl main, though I also play lots of BBrawl Pkmn Trainer, Marth, lolimar, and Ganon (lol).

    Also, I'd rather have this thread do well than NEITHER thread do well. :P My other thread was more of a total conversion OST replacement than just a general hacking thread. Still, though, for every person that replaces Pirate Ship's music with "I'm on a Boat", I get happier.

  6. Oh my goodness, so many things in this thread...

    First of all, if you need instructions on how to boot up Brawl hacks without using HBC, check out the Brawl Workshop on Smashboards; they can explain it better than I can.

    Secondly, the Nintendo v. Galoob case DOES NOT APPLY to Brawl hacking. Brawl hacking (and homebrew in general) is VERY, VERY ILLEGAL. The reason the Galoob case doesn't apply is because you agreed to a End User License Agreement (EULA) when you booted your Wii (and implicitly agreed when you booted your Brawl disc) that states that you RESCIND the ability to run "unauthorized code" on your system. Any, and I mean ANY, unauthorized code results in breaking of your EULA, which automatically voids your warranty... but more importantly, circumventing copy protection (which must be done to run homebrew) is in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which makes you a federal criminal and a pirate.

    So... just letting you know. Read up on your copyright law. You don't actually "own" your Wii or your Brawl disc; you just "license" the data on them from Nintendo for temporary use that can be taken away from you at any time if Nintendo sees fit.

    Finally... Lee Martin got 4th at MLG Columbus with a Lucario. That's all I'm going to say about Lucario.

  7. Man, it's a handheld. How much space do you NEED on a handheld? 32, or even 29.8, gigs is PLENTY. The media support topic is much more important than HC v XC. Honestly, as long as it plays MP3s, I'm fine; who actually uses DRM-formats, anyway? If you still do, you should really stop; you're only going to be a pirate when your hard drive crashes and you lose all those files, anyway.

  8. Hey guys, this is a topic about the 3DS! Not the games! Stop getting off topic, it's against the point of threaded discussion. If you want to discuss the games and not the hardware, make a separate topic for games.

    Of course, when you do that, you'll get off-topic again by discussing SPECIFIC games, and not games in general, and so you'll have to make separate threads for each game.

    And then threads for each feature in each game.

    Basically, stop discussing, is what I'm saying. Unless you want to flood gen. disc. with a TON of topics.

    (lol @ DarkeSword)

  9. Omg wow, this melody really takes me back. I was reading your description on the first page and I was thinking 'What radio station, I don't remember anything like that' and then I listen to the mix and Bam! I remember this melody and station now! I enjoyed it then and I'm really enjoying your remix of it now! (For whatever reason, I haven't heard this melody in the new HG/SS yet! Hopefully it's still in the game somewhere!)

    Anyway, I agree with some of the others, dialogue might take away from the melody. I think it's perfect as is! Keep up the great work and thanks for the nostalgia blast!

    They took the Lucky Number Show out of HG/SS, and now the theme is used in the Game Corner(s). T_T

  10. No no no... I mean, obviously, this is AU stuff we're dealing with, and presumably, Pokemon have existed for most, if not all, of human history. When you have access to a creature that can melt minds, guns are kind of unnecessary... so how do we know that ballistic weaponry was ever invented in the Pokemon world? For all we know, Team Rocket doesn't distribute guns to their members because guns literally don't exist.

  11. Oh, god, Bleck is infecting this thread, too. Quick everyone; ignore him entirely.

    Having your Pokemon react to YOU more realistically (in a personaly sense) would be nice, but I think that's a change better suited for down the road, and only then to give there a REASON for Frustration to even exist as a move. Otherwise, it's better for them to focus on more important / time-consuming things... like proper animations for 493+ individual Pokemon, including special move animations. That's... a big job.

  12. That... is a really good idea. Make them more menacing then just exp-builders. Take a cue from Team Galactic; Cyrus was ready to destroy the world or something just to gain ultimate power. Now THAT is menacing! They should take the same philosophy and apply it to Team Rocket, or even a new team if they decide to go that route.

    Hell, even Aqua and Magma were more menacing than Rocket; then again, they wussed out a little once they succeeded in their plans. Couldn't take the heat?

    It's more than just that, though; the difference between mere Exp. builders and actual villains has to do with concequence; every story (game, film, literature, etc.) needs an element of concequence to make it seem more important.

    This is something that R/S/E did very well; the respective Teams actually accomplished their plans, and we got to see, first hand, the results of their folly. That's part of why Team Rocket is never really a threat in any games; we know they aren't going to succeed, and we know they are only going to have low-level crap Pokemon. The element of surprise helps to drive a story, so Team Rocket needs to surprise us if they want to remain relevant.

  13. I wouldn't like a different plot, I like the Pokémon canons, but they can be done really better and "mature".

    Anyway, I think that the first versions got a more interesting story in some points. Like the Team Rocket, before the anime's Jessie and James it remembered me a sort of mafia...

    There's really nothing wrong with Team Rocket... other than how they are monumental pussies. Along with the whole "game maturity" thing comes Team Rocket's persona(s). Even in the original games, Team Rocket never really meant much; they were (and are) just a ploy for sections of the game where they need a boost in trainers for exp. gains. Team Rocket was never particularly menacing, nor were they particularly scary to fight.

    Team Rocket's plans in HG/SS were actually better conveyed this time around, although there is still room for improvement. I mean, granted, it was basically the G/S/C story, but using the Radio Tower to force an entire country's worth of Pkmn to go insane is bordering on devious. Here's some tips, Ninty:

    Team Rocket needs to become less "minor inconvenience" and more "mafia-style crime syndicate". Enough of the under-leveled Rattatas. Give them actually menacing Pokemon; after all, they were supposed to have stolen these Pokemon from legit trainers. I want to see a Team Rocket grunt with a Kangaskahn 5 levels higher than me.

    On the same note, stop letting me walk in and out of their bases. Oops, I let Koffing explode all over my Dratini; better head to the Pkmn Center really quick. ... ...no. Make me fight 2 guys at once to get in, almost get wrecked, then get locked inside the base with only the healing items I happen to have on me at the time. Then, triple the number of grunts I have to fight, and I guarantee you I'll be a little more frightented by Team Rocket.

    As for their plan this time around, a good attempt. The scene with the Electrodes was interesting (I chose to capture, instead of kill; they WERE innocent, after all). What SHOULD have happened, though, was that Team Rocket should have succeeded. I should have then had to fight my way to the top of the tower using Pokemon that were being driven mad by the Radio Tower signal; maybe make a special in-battle element for just this section, like a confusion on overdrive... make me feel sorry for my poor, poor Pokemon. I mean, let me see these poor creatures being tortured from inside their heads to make me REALLY hate those Team Rocket bastards. Maybe even let Team Rocket's Pokemon be affected at times to show how little they care about even their own Pokemon.

    We're always told that Team Rocket is willing to do heinous things to their own Pokemon to acheive their goals; it's about time we saw that in action.

  14. I hope that at the same time they are pushing the hardware it doesn't slow to even more of a crawl. XD

    I actually don't care either way about the graphics I want to see some pokeymans, or proof that they are really doing lots of different things.

    Here are the different things that need doing:

    1 ) A full-3D main entry. No cutting corners like with Coliseum.

    2 ) Higher quality music. Arrangements are ok as they are; give us a better sound already.

    3 ) Full battle animation. Seriously. It's about damn time. And let the Pokemon actually interact for a change.

    3 ) MMORPG. You can keep making mini-games all you want, but there comes a point where Battle Frontier isn't enough. The people who built this franchise are all grown up now (I was in 4th grade when Pkmn came to the states, and I'm 22 now), and we'd like a more grown-up game, please.

    4 ) Make the Pokemon more alive. Having the Pkmn walk with you and actually interact with you is a great step, but I'm talking things like hibernation and migration patterns. It's about time Pokemon can be found all over the place, like in nature.

    5 ) End the National Pokedex. Seriously, we have 500 of these little bastards. It's about time they've populated the whole planet. Stop restricting us to a set of 100 viable, catchable Pokemon before the Elite Four. The Pokewalker helps a lot, but even that has some overlap.

    6 ) Let us catch the starters in the wild. It's been over 15 years; I'm pretty sure we've bred enough of them to fill the planet by now.

    Ok, Nintendo. Get on it.

  15. being in high school doesn't count since you are still basically a dumb kid

    this is why so many high school kids play modern warfare 2 all day

    Being someone named Bleck doesn't count since you basically have a dumb name.

    There's nothing wrong with classic Sonic; Bleck doesn't like them, but that doesn't mean they were poorly designed games, nor does it mean it's somehow "wrong" for people to legitimately enjoy them. Everyone, you're responding to the troll the wrong way:

    Ignore ignorant comments.

  16. so instead of being in a group of people who like bad games you are just a guy who happens to like bad games


    I love how the recent bad Sonic games have somehow magically made the original Sonic games (1-3 + K) into bad games retroactively.

  17. I think the people making Sonic games (Dimps, in this case) just have to learn that we aren't looking for anything revolutionary in a Sonic game; we just want a simple, straightforward game design with depth in level design, not mechanics.

    Take the leaked Lost Labrinth (Act 1), for instance. It's not necessary. We aren't looking for anything crazy. We don't need to be wow'ed with new level mechanics, or an intricate story, or a whole bunch of characters... we just want something simple and fun.

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