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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I can start seeding within the next 3 - 5 days
  2. Yo DJ P... I see that you need a good seeder. Well, i can seed for the site. HOWEVER...there is a security issue that i wanted to address to OC Remix. Ive downloaded a few MP3's from the zelda and ninja gaiden collection....snaged up a back door trojan. Might wanna do a clean sweep before any one else gets hit with these. I will gladly seed for you as well as i am advertising OCREMIX already. Ill start the seeding process as soon as i can. Just inform me on what day and time you would like for me to seed and i will get started ASAP. In other words...email me with that information Btw....ive been a faithful OCremix listener for 2 years now. Ide say your remixers are getting better and much more skilled. Props to yall
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