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Everything posted by Cer_ber_uS

  1. Alright, I admit my mistake at jumping the gun, thinking you had a prob with Zyko. And I apologize for it. But I am gonna have to agree with Liontamer on this one. I completely agree with that statement. It's sad that a white kid in my school can walk up to a bunch of black kids, say "Wassup, nigga?", and the black people don't care, meaning the white guy gets away with it. What the hell is up with that? It makes no sense whatsoever. And now I'm directing that last statement aimed at Mullenkamp at the people who actually have a problem with Zyko and have a problem with this song. Again Mullenkamp, I apologize for jumping the gun.
  2. Well, it doesn't actually save to my desktop, and I can't get it to save anyways. That is, unless I save the shortcut, but I'm not sure if that'd work, since it's only a shortcut. I love how you and everyone else complain to Zyko and everyone else that was a part of this song, yet you don't complain to the people who actually make money off of the word. Are these guys getting money for saying a supposedly (not meaning that it's not, just context-wise) derogitory term? Not that I can see. Christ, it's a word. Words have meanings by the context that they're used in. You can use the word "fuck" in several different contexts. This is no different, especially since they already explained the context they used it in. That said, (and the fact that, on the front page, it says, and I quote, "My personal take has always been that words themselves shouldn't be offensive - the ideas and intentions behind them should, and clearly the ideas and intentions in this mix are groovy, rhythmical, and decidedly not racist in any way", which shows exactly what I'm trying to say), Zyko and his "Niggaz" aren't racist. At all. So lets all understand the point of why they wrote this song, and not care about a couple of words in the song that several other people use in the same context every day (unless, of course, you'll be complaining to them as well).
  3. Damnit, I just wrote this giant thing about how much this song is amazing, even if it is rap, but this comp had to be retarded and now I lost it all I'll at least say this song is a 10/10, that Zyko is great for making a rap song that doesn't make me vomit in my mouth a little bit, you people that are all angry about the racial slurs need to read before you make an argument, and that Obelix's part is just amazing. Oh, and Zyko, is there any way I can get this onto an iPod or something like it? A lot of people I know need to hear this. well ur my brotha and i'm ur brotha and we all brotha's till the end of time rhyme after rhyme day or night we all brotha's till the end of time Try to sing that with the bg music in your head. It just doesn't go with the beat at all. And this isn't murder at all. There's so much worse out there that poisons people's minds. Like... most other rap! If anything, these guys would get off with a warning; if being the key word. I do agree with you on the point that swearing doesn't make a song "good". But that's not what I like when I hear this song. I like that it's catchy, yet it doesn't make me want to shove a pistol into my eye and pull the trigger after stabbing my eardrums with a Q-tip.
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