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Everything posted by seanv

  1. What I do, if a song is easy enough for me to sight-read it, I just play it over and over again. If it's too hard for that, well, I learn it in chunks first until I have enough memory to be able to play it while reading it, and then I play it over and over again until I don't need the sheet music. Ummm...I learned a cool technique for memorizing lists and poems....it might apply to music.... you memorize the first line first, then play through to the second line, and memorize the second line WITH the first, and then the third WITH the 2nd and 1st, and so on. Typically it means you know the first part of the song/list/poem better than any other part but it works surprisingly fast, and sticks for a while.
  2. well, that sure was interesting! But does anybody know of the emulator Yoozer was talking about?
  3. ! well, it's only for the previewing, right? Once I get a sequencer I can worry about latency.
  4. Yeah, I've played with all the settings, it just doesn't play. 70ms latency doesn't really bother me, though, since I'm just using Kontakt stand alone and I'll just export it. Yoozer said some emulators "allow you to disable and enable music tracks," but I haven't heard any of this on any of the emulators I've read about. What emulator can I do this on?
  5. actually, your first option is more of the truth. I've got a laptop, and while it's great computationally, the soundcard is either integrated or nonexistent. I think it's the reason my sound quality drops when I record anything using my stereo mix instead converting it in-program. I installed AISO, selected it, and messed around with the settings, but I never got any sound.
  6. I've got a problem. I got kontakt's demo, and that does the sampling I need, but apparently the "latency" is off. Unless I set the latency really high (like 70ms) the sound is very crackly. The manual says this is because of the CPU load, but even at 7ms kontakt only uses 3% of my CPU...
  7. You really do not want to do this - you will want to leave this job to the software sampler itself. Besides, there's free softsamplers, too. http://www.kvraudio.com/get/156.html http://www.kvraudio.com/get/196.html http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1388.html It doesn't matter that much what they're in; you'll be off better with adjusting this with the software sampler's "fine tune" parameters. thanks a lot, man, I love you. I'll try these out. These...these are plugins, not programs, right? btw, the first one is broken to me.
  8. wow, I had no idea some emulators could mute music tracks. I'm pretty sure PJ64 doesn't, but does 1964? They usually seem to have more features. I've actually found a program that extracts files from the roms themselves and converts them to wavs. I've got all of Mario's "woohoo"s and a bunch of dying screams from Goldeneye. Of course, along with the sound effects comes the instrument effects. I can't extract from the Zeldas, though, because they use a different compression format. Being able to mute tracks in-game would be awesome. These programs, Fast Tracker 2 and Mod Plug Tracker, can they export the notes as a file readable by sequencers? Like, export into VST or anything? GOOD NEWS: I found out that the samples I took from SM64 are all in A4 already! So, if I want to use mario music, and I don't have a soft sampler, isn't it possible to create all the notes I want simply by making separate .wavs for each? Like, I would take that A4 note and speed it up by 2^(n/12), right? *EDIT*actually, my ear isn't as good as I thought. They might not be in A4... Other than comparing the notes with a sin-generated tone(which isn't that accurate), is there any other way I can make sure?
  9. With Adobe Audition I'm pretty sure it's possible. As zircon said, it's usually rather simple. If you have a song with a sample that's played twice in a song, and is exactly alike except for some additions, you can subtract both of those samples and get the additions left over.
  10. Hey, I am new to the mixing scene, and I'm sorry if this is a newbie question. I have read the stickies and some threads but I haven't learned much besides what I already know. Basically, I want to take various instrument samples (some directly from N64 games) and input them into my songs. Like, I have a single note of a single instrument, and I want to be able to turn that note into a melody nearly like the N64 hardware does. I've been looking all over the internet and all I can find are premade samle libraries for downloading. From what I can gather it's either called "soft sampling" or "instrument samples," but I can't find any programs that actually state that you can import your own instrument samples to synthesize. I've got my eye focused on Project5. Can Project5 do soft sampling? Are there any other programs that can do this? Or is this impossible?
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