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Posts posted by Steve1

  1. I have some questions. For the record, the only thing I'm doing with FL right now is loading midis onto it and messing with them (changing soundfonts mostly). Anyway:

    -Why don't the little volume and tempo knobs next to the track stay where I put them? They usually revert to their original positions when I stop and play a song again.

    -What's the best way to go about setting up percussion from midi in FL? All the drum sounds are on one track in midi, whereas each drum sound seems to need its own track and soundfont in FL. Are there any single soundfonts that are custom-made to fill in completely for midi channel 10?

    -Midi tracks still don't make any sound, even though I enabled everything and messed with the midi settings a lot.

  2. I listened to this a while ago and didn't like it enough to download it, but I did this time around. The "lighter" sounding instruments sounded a bit strange with the "heavier" beat in the background, but it's no biggie after a couple of listens. You probably could have gone without quite so many pitch bends with the guitar-like thing, though. Those can get irritating in mass quantity. Overall, good job.

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