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The Vagrance

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Posts posted by The Vagrance

  1. I like the feel of the piece, especially once it hits that strings breakdown, then its really grooving, but the main section sounds really cluttered. You've got a really busy kick, bassline, all of these scratching sfx sounds, sax/key leads, etc.. In contrast the string section has a really strong groove to it, I can't help but bob my head when it gets to that. Some general things you can do to improve this remix:

    1. Tone down the main section, find a consistent groove that all of your rhythm section can sit in and let only elements you want to really emphasize go nuts.

    2. Doing some basic EQing/levels on all of these tracks will help the mix gel better.

    3. Consider low-passing the bass. Like Monobrow suggested, hit that range where it gives your bass some funk.

  2. this is awesome. it goes places i wasn't expecting, but it never feels unnatural. the overall atmosphere is great and the production is way solid. pumped to hear the ep.

    Thank you. The EP will sound much more like Guns//Dope (which will also be on it for that matter) but the other tracks are definitely more mellow and dubby, so happy compromises I guess.

    Its also worth mentioning the high distorted glitchy synth during the second drop is a really timestreched Snappleman Sonic 3 remix sample. I can't remember which one but I felt it was relevant given the forum.

  3. Not a bad idea, I had no clue they were in the same key. That said, the mix isn't quite there yet. Here are a few things I noticed:

    1. The whole mix is way too steady, and what I mean by that is the large majority is a typical dance beat (thump-snare-thump-snare) with that little arp-ish synth, and it gets really tiring. Even though this track is under 3 minutes it feels like 5, there's no real sense of structure. Try turning the entire Chrono Trigger section into a breakdown which swirls around for a while, you had the beat drop out for 4 bars but that's not enough. There needs to be more drama to the arrangement.

    2. Well, really just fix 1 before getting to anything else.

    I love MWaMG and with there were more remixes of it but this needs some work.

    P.S. - Oh yeah, WHERE ARE THE HANDCLAPS?!?! That's like, the best part of MWaMG.

  4. The piano has great textures that bring a lot into the mix, however; it sounds very mechanical. Fix up the velocities, attacks and volume to make it sound more human. It also comes in a little stark when you first bring it in - perhaps you should have it come in a little bit more subtle?

    Noted, and kind of fixed, as the whole chorus kind of "trances" itself in there.

    Anyway, updated the track slightly by adding some percussion at parts, I might add more once I'm using a real rap track instead of this Jadakiss acapella. I also slightly played with levels, extended the arrangement out another 8 bars (2nd verse felt like it needed it), and did something else I forgot. Same link as the 1st version.

  5. http://soundcloud.com/fli/ffviii-time-compression-remix

    Well, no rapping so far, but I was thinking about getting a vocalist for the chorus bits as well as a rapper for the verse parts. Aside from that, the general layout is done, with little minor tweaks probably needing to be made (varying up the drums, etc.).


    I'm also quite shocked at the lack of remixes for the source, its quite beautiful at points, especially the harp part.


  6. Eh, its annoying whenever it gets into "No True Scotsman" territory (like you described) but genres emerge because they can often be helpful descriptors. Given the state of music now and how its branching off into innumerable niches it seems that "tag-like" descriptors have been used more and more to describe music (most obviously by Pandora, but something I've noticed around people as well).

  7. new james blake is dope bhaugblhaglbuh listne 2 it

    As much as I like Burial and plenty of "chill" dubstep as it were, I just can't get into James Blake. It reminds me of Eskmo, except instead of raw technicality and production there's just a lot of noise and "minimal" elements. Personal taste thing though, I totally get why people like him (the vocal line in "Wilhelm Scream" is killer) but I can't help but get the feeling that a lot of his stuff is more style than substance, and the substance that does exist could've been done better.

    As for positivity, Sukh Knight constantly impresses me (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE3Kl-SVu9M). Its never complicated stuff, but he nails the vibe in between the reggae/rap side of dubstep and the more club oriented stuff.

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