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Posts posted by WOT

  1. Dogphins are fish, idiot! You think you can successfully breed two very different mammals together, then you're stupid. You can breed fish with just about anything. Don't believe me? How about when we bred wooden poles with tuna? Know what we got? FISHSTICKS!

    Whatever, you're retarded, get out. You don't know shit about biology by the way my cousin was friends with a girl who was gonna major in marine Biology when she went to college so like yeah get off my case ok??

  2. No, no, no. It's alright. He's a moderator, so he's supposed to mini-mod. And also, macro-mod. And maybe middle-mod. Mid-mod? Moderate moderating? Mod-mod?

    Not mine.


    That's not a dogphin.

    That is a dogfish.

    (The tail is supposed to be horizontal STUPID)

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