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  1. Yoozer - Thanks for your help, I guess I dont have enough time to do all the things you mentioned, maybe when i'm older and college free. ArgleBargle - Funny it was the basics that I was asking for in this thread. And learning an instrument is too much work for me at the moment. I guess all I can do now is give up and try later some time, thanks for clarifications guy's.
  2. Ok I want to make vgremix's (for fun) however I have never ever taken an interest in making music before. I have no knowledge on music making (i'm more of a programmer and artist). I read most of the stickies but none of them actually helped me. Most of them assume you know how to make music already (such as the terminology they use). I cant understand half of the things that they say. It would be really helpfull if anyone could point me to a nice tutorial on how to make music (even if its one of those "cookie cutters"). I have googled this and read most of the stickies (obviously not every post in them as some threads have loads of posts in them). Thanks in advance. BTW: I made this little loop in FL I am quite proud of it but since im so new to this it's prolly crap. (I never gave it its own thread because it might not be worthy) comments on it would be appretiated. I have named the piece HardQuestion. http://files.filefront.com/HardQuestionmp3/;4940467;;/fileinfo.html
  3. Thanks for that link nineko but I already checked the stickies. Infact I only joined the forum after I found no luck in the stickies. Maybe I will ask there thanks.
  4. Hi to all OCR Forum members. I'm just the normal newbie who knows nothing about how to mix but enjoys mix's. I used to enjoy rpg's, the latest rpg I played (properly) is grandia 2. Latest completed FFX. I'm more of a fighting game fan so i'm very much into all the SF games and Tekken. P.S. I have looked around and have failed to find tutorials on how to get started on mixing. There is many help and tutorials on what software to get what not but there is no basic introduction to editing guide. I dont even understand half the lingo that goes on round here... If you hadn't already guessed I want to get into mixing.
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