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Posts posted by xinster

  1. It's called web-socializing in a semi-live form. Also, wasn't bitching about the quality your original post was about? Perhaps I should iterate that...

    I don't know how you define bitching, but this sounds a lot like it. No one's forcing you to like the music or not, but the fact you generalized your opinion about the recent remixes is just ridiculous really.

    alright im sorry i offended you. il never use generalization as a tool of convenience again, even though i said that i liked iMushroom and cave moon rhapsody.

  2. Some guy shows up, says he's been here for years, and he has a March 2006 join date. The majority of his posts are in a non-remixing thread, and he bitches about the music which he doesn't seem to have any part of.

    So... what was necessary again?

    When i found this site, i had never used forums before.

    When i figured out how to use forums, I still didn't see a use for joining the forum, because of how quickly it was updated. I'm not bitching about the quality of the music, i'm just stating my opinion. don't cry.

    that blindpreview was really cool. Most of the stuff i have kept from this site is some of the tranquil chrono trigger stuff, definitely megaman and street fighter mixes, stuff by mcvaffe, paragon, and po!. I'll probably always visit this site for the as long as i can see into the future, its worth it just to find the diamond in the rough.

    i think alot of the sonic stuff has been done to death, because of how good the original tracks were, but all of em pretty much pwn with the nostalgia bonus

  3. IMHO, in the past few months, some of the remixes t hat come out on the front page are just horrible. I thought they were supposed to be the cream of the crop remixes? I'm open to all sorts of music, slow, smooth, jazzy, metal, electronic (which has been pretty adequately fulfilled by megeaman remixes alone), even some of the vocal stuff on here. But man, i don't know if its a general decline in quality, but some of the stuff is at the very least, undeserving of the front page. I think the last remix i heard and didn't delete was th iMushroom one, and the last really good one i heard was the cave moon rhapsody one.

    Am i nuts, or does anybody else feel me on this one?

  4. You know there's no rap in this, right? ;) And since there's only one other remix of this I can only assume you're saying that Star's is better, something that I'd probably agree with, but I think mine stands pretty well on it's own. I didn't take the same approach as he did despite the fact that we both used mostly electronic sounds.

    well where applicable, my post applies :D lol. Yours is fine, the album in general wasn't as upbeat/attractive as the preexisting ones, thats all im saying.

  5. little bit of trivia:

    most of you guys already know kate from kate's playground plays wow, but i found out today

    Brandi Belle from BrandiBelle.com (produced by bangbros) has a 50 on Illidan. Email her about it if your interested, she responded to me in 3 hrs.

  6. inspiring presence is pissing me off. It's bad enough alliance have pallies now they get that shit? I wouldn't care if they made draenei better than bloodelves (functionality wise) but to make them better in group pve is ridiculous.

    lmfao at mana tap giving a warrior 60 rage.

  7. Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.

    I beat it, like, twice ever.

    what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times.

    Yes it does. It's the level right after you fight the GutsDozer.

    MM2 is that the one with hardman, topman, woodman?

    Top Man and Hard Man are from MM3. Wood Man is from MM2.

    negative. On the gameboy version of mm2 i got

    wood clash air metal hard top and 2 others. ;possibly freeze man.

    then you fight that bitch with the pogo stick. quint maybe? then wily.

  8. Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.

    I beat it, like, twice ever.

    what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times.

    Yes it does. It's the level right after you fight the GutsDozer.

    MM2 is that the one with hardman, topman, woodman?

  9. Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.

    I beat it, like, twice ever.

    what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times.

  10. lol my friend was sick of overpriced and overpopulated bullshit queues so he randomly xferred asap, and it was like getting teleported to a nether world, where you can only play single player cause of how low the population was. i lmaoed

  11. So I was starting my Darkmantle 0.5 armour quest when I decided to take two days off University to hasten the process.

    I was halfway through 45min Baron when we wiped for the second time, everyone was moaning and pointing fingers, and I started to wonder what the fuck happened to the last year of my life, and deleted all my characters.

    WoW's gameplay is bollocks. It's the neverending quest to get bigger and better weaponry so you can walk through your respective city showing it off, coupled with the social aspect (even if it is comprised of immature retards with little or no comprehension of punctuation and grammar).

    and I gotta say..


    rofl, was that a joke or serious? i lol'd anyway.

  12. xinster; No, it's pretty much player skill. SleazyC was quite confident he could beat me and I have no doubt he beat 99% of Priests on his server. In addition I was quite capable of beating people 1v1 and surviving in PVP pre-1.10, but the additional changes are welcome. I am a very good player so I can make use of them well. I would wager that a VERY small segment of the Priest population really knows what they are doing when it comes to PVP.

    Would you say Mind blast is a necessary talent for a shadow priest? I opted for the lower enemy shadow resist, and got martydom and some other talents rather than imp mind blast.


  13. i just played a test server rogue, and honestly i really dont see how anyone other than a mage can beat an experienced rogue PVPer. I had vigor and imp kidney shot. I was barely using sinister strike cause i was backstabbing so much, and of course, the ridiculous talents like relentless strikes

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