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Absolute Zero

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Posts posted by Absolute Zero

  1. I looked for the WIP, but couldn't find it. Anyway, I was pretty much agreeing with him about the source material thing. Sigma's music is probably tough to do something with, but after hearing the two of you, I'm convinced Doomsday will make it work.

    ...and to be honest, I prefer the X series.

    As far as the Mega Man 2 Dr. Wily themes? No more, no more. :roll: That's right up there with Far Promise and Schala's theme.

  2. I'll consider it, but I'm already up to about 4 minutes and I've barely even touched on the Sigma boss battle (although truth be told my ideas of it are slim to none, its a pretty crappy boss battle theme).

    Oh, I screwed up. I didn't mean to combine them, I meant seperate themes. S'why Pi-r-squared said no.

    But honestly, you've got better source material if you chose Dr. Wily instead of Sigma. The Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 6, and Mega Man 7 Wily Battle themes are much better pieces that most all of Sigma's battle themes.

    Mega Man 3: http://music.atomic-fire.com/mp3/src_org_rm3/21%20-%20Final%20Battle.mp3

    Mega Man 4: http://music.atomic-fire.com/mp3/src_org_rm4/27%20-%20Final%20Battle.mp3

    Mega Man 6: http://music.atomic-fire.com/mp3/src_org_rm6/24%20-%20Final%20Battle.mp3

    But with you up to four minutes? That seems like a -lot- of work to abandon, so.

  3. I see that Doomsday is doing a Sigma remix, and at the start it's got both Dr. Wily from the original Mega Man series, and Sigma from the Mega Man X/Maverick Hunter X series.

    ...it'd be so totally kick-ass if you did themes for both, since each one had about nine games they were the major villians of.

    Just a thought. I'm really looking forward to seeing this project finished.

  4. rock would be best

    ericharris, if you did a rock version of the three boss battle themes, you'd be considered awesome forever.

    At least by me, which might not amount to much, BUT STILL!

    The theme they used for the Virage, and the one for the Dragons are the two I'd love to hear ReMixed.

  5. Alright, so I know Doom 64 wasn't that great of a game. But the ending music, in my opinion, kicked ass. I just wonder what else somebody could do with it.

    For Endless Fight from Mega Man Zero (the ending where where he faces hordes of Pantheon drones) would be a great ReMix, I think.

    But most of all, the number one song that I would kill to see ReMixed. A rock ReMix for the ending theme of Mega Man 7. The one where he's walking away from Skull Castle as it explodes, and looking pissed off in some screens. If somebody did a rock/metal ReMix of this in the style of Ailsean's Metaltroid or the The Doomsday from Project Chaos theme, I'd worship them forever and ever, amen.

    It's my favorite game music -ever.- Even more my favorite than the Castlevania 4 version of Bloody Tears. I love it even more than the Mega Man 3 Title Screen music.

    ...Hell, I love it more than the text screen music from Doom, and that's really saying something.

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