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Posts posted by Zom-B

  1. Hi there, i've been searching for months for a way to do this but no luck, hopefully your experienced community can help me. Here's the deal, i play guitar, me and my friends use Guitar Pro 5 and recently found out that you can import midi's and it will show you tabs. Thrilled we started downloading midi files from http://www.vgmusic.com/ and trying out songs from our favourite Mega Drive games, but we've never been able to learn the ones we love and crave to have: Skitchin. This game has the best rock/grunge music i've ever heard on a vintage console we'd love to get the tabs for the songs. Unfortunately i've only been able to find these .vgz files at this website: http://project2612.org/details.php?id=54 luckily winamp can play them so we can still listen to them at least. I did some research and found out that vgz files are compressed vgm files so i went hunting for a vgm to midi converter. I found one called "vgm2mid" at http://www.zophar.net/utilities/converters.html but it didn't convert the files properly, it just made midi's always 169b in size and empty. Although after more searching and forum browsing, i've been able to convert some vgz files to vgm using this "vgmtool" http://www.smspower.org/music/tools/vgmtool2r5.zip Although, neither the vgm2mid or it's .NET version converts the vgm files, it does the same as it was doing for the vgz files, creating empty .mid files 169bytes in size.. After that failed i tried a Mega Drive emulator that could record/log vgm files called Kega Fusion v3.51, but when i tried to convert a vgm that i recorded on skitchin to a midi, it came out like this: http://ben.hostinglegends.co.uk/liver.mid .. doesn't really sound right at all does it?

    So i'm begging for your help people, please help me and my friends get these brilliant tracks into midi format! Any help is greatly appreciated.. =]


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