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Everything posted by Fizziks

  1. Without a doubt this is one of the best remixes to have passed through my ears. It is extremely well done, and is easily one of my favourite (if not absolute favourite) remixes on this site. Jared definitely deserves some huge props for this remix. I'll be honest though, I actually have something admit in this post. One of my recent hobbies is to take clips from TV shows (specifically sci-fi shows) and re-edit them into a music video. For some time, I had been looking for a song that would be great for my next video (which will consist of clips from Stargate: Atlantis). When I heard Jared's Metal Gear May Cry (Remastered), it was like a hundred light bulbs turning on in my head. Not only was this song great for my video, it was PERFECT! So after much effort, I want to show you guys the video that I made, but first let me mention three things: 1. Jared Hudson, of course, gets full credit for the music in this video. 2. This video does contain spoilers to those who have not seen Stargate: Atlantis season 2, so heads up. 3. When you play this music video, be sure to turn up the volume and bass for full enjoyment! Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGltpA7QKVU Again, my hat goes off to you Jared. Fantastic work! And if you see this video, I hope you enjoy it!
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