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Everything posted by dgxdx

  1. i think i know how to make it, vocal with pitch problems, using AutoTune Speed parameter set to 0. thanks all your helps If i'm rite, this is called The "Cher Effect"??
  2. re Yoozer: Thank you for your time to explain for each term in detail, also for the recommendation i'm sorry that i just know a little knowledge on remixing re: Zephyr thanks for your explanation too re: Nicole thanks for helping me to find out the demo, and the recommendation re: big giant so i can use Autotune to do the same voice effect as the song?
  3. I recently heard some songs which the vocal's voice edited with a effect like "phrase" or "delay" or "chorus". Such as a song from Sonic the hedgehog(PS3) called "02 DREAMS OF AN ABSOLUTION".... I just want to know is there any software can edit this kind of voice effect and do you guys have any recommeded vocal voice editing software? i used cool edit pro but it seems not enough to make the sound like studio recording Please help
  4. actually i don't know how to use Virtual bassist in FLs. It didn't follow the notation i made. damn....not to mention the complicated cracking of the software
  5. is it better to buy a tiny mixer between guitar and computer?
  6. your english is amazing. btw ghettoflame i think he just wants a bass guitar sound. http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1372.html the best bass guitar emulation i know of. haha, realpolitik, i can feel your "appreciation". by the way, how can i get it for free legally?
  7. i wonder which bass is the best for u guys, esp in FLs in FLs, i don't really know which bass is more like a bass guitar. even i used the generator called bass guitar, the sound seems to be far away from the real bass guitar, which is rough and noise. can somboday give me a suggestion of bass?
  8. i 've just download the VST file, but i don't know how to use it in FruityLoops. Can somebody helps me? is it put in a channel to use? or treat as effect?
  9. so, if i use this drum kit, i still have to add some effect to make it Rock? also, how can i separate the snare, kick drum etc. with different extent of effects in NS_kit7? is it input 2 times of NS_kit7 and each NS_kit7 is responsible snare and kick drum respectively?
  10. Try this one:http://www.sf2midi.com/index.php?page=sdet&id=7951, it's the best acoustic drum-soundfont I've heard. atfer i input the sf2 file, why i can't hear any sound even i click on the virtual keyboard in FLs?
  11. um, if i want to specify 1 instrument's sound goes "up and down" how to do it? i just made all stuff 's sound go up and down together only Just for future reference, when the pitch goes "up and down", its called vibrato. You might want to brush up on some musical terms to communicate a little clearer. No problem, though. yea, that's exactly wt i mean, got a new term, thnak you
  12. i got it man, really thanks for both of your helps
  13. which soundfont or other sound file of drumkit likes a Rock Band style? i mean, when u r listening Green Day, the drum sounds, especailly the snare that i want to make. i 've tried other drumkit file, no one likes that band sound
  14. um, if i want to specify 1 instrument's sound goes "up and down" how to do it? i just made all stuff 's sound go up and down together only
  15. does any one know how to make a sound like "up and down"? i mean, the sound wave likes up and down, imagine that sound like when u r playing guitar using a handle, make the pitch up and down sorry, my english sucks, hard to describe what the sound likes.....
  16. does fruityloops support VST?? is there any other type of (sound) file can be added in FL?
  17. that's fine. i will stop posting newbie' posts
  18. A Remix is not a genre; otherwise everything on the site would sound the same. There's nothing common; all depends on the available budget (usually not that high due to the age groups on this site) and the available space (most people don't have a full studio for themselves). So, compact, inexpensive gear (but this is not the rule). I start up Cubase and play something. It records what I play. I can also start up Reason and do the same. Eventually, the song format can not be really called "MIDI" anymore; MIDI has a number of restrictions. Cubase allows an audio track, for instance; so if I need background noise, I can just drag a complete waveform in the sequencer on a single track. I can also bounce what I played to an audio track; since playing audio is less CPU-intensive than calculating how a plugin sounds, I can use more instruments. There's no recipe. First you figure out how you want to remix an existing track, what instruments you're going to need. Then you start building the basis or maybe focus on the chorus/verse structure to make those complete (e.g. completely compose and play in all the tracks) first. I have a number of hardware synthesizers that are controlled by a remote keyboard. The remote sends MIDI signals to the MIDI-interface which routes 'm through to the actual device. This allows me to sit on my ass and choose what synth I want to play from a single location. so do u have any suggestion of the model of hardware? i just know the Roland 's sythesizers. Should i buy the compact 1 with keyboard or sound module and a keyboard? As i don't want to waste my money on buying unsuitable units for remixing
  19. i remembered i 've read the passage about how to remix by Mcvaffe. He suggested some hardwares and methods to do so, but i don't really remember wt the name of the hardware is. sth likes Roland's product. The post seems to be deleted. It was a sticky post in past
  20. Pray tell, how'd you miss that dozen of stickied threads put there for your convenience? If you would have the same prowess in traffic, you'd turn Route 66 in a desolate, wreck-laden wasteland . MIDI is not audio. Your synthesizer will only tell the receiving party what notes it should play, not how they sound. MIDI is to audio what musical scoresheets are to tape. The difference is crucial. Do you play a real instrument or do you have the patience to learn it? If not, then a purely computer-based approach is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to make songs. Samples alone are usually not enough. Yes. Software synthesizers, for instance. None. This question is meaningless. It can't be answered without an actual budget.Furthermore, in terms of synthesizers you may forget any terms you've learned from computers - synthesizers (except a few which you can count on 2 hands and which have a 4-digit price) aren't there with the uploading/downloading/exporting stuff yet. Read the stickies and this http://www.tweakheadz.com/ Come back when you can answer the above question of budget and after you've read more of the material. Having people shout various brand names or plugins at you isn't going to do you any good; you must understand the underlying concepts better in order to refine your choices. Sure, you can download the FL Studio trial version. This will however cause a load of questions in its own right; a lot of which can be answered by some reading. the budget of the hardware is around US$750~1250, but i wonder which kind of the hardware is commonly used in remixing. btw, how do u make the music? make a midi first?
  21. i want to know how many methods can use to remix music... 1. Use midi and output it with synthezier 2. use real instrument to record 3. input and edit different wav, gathering them into music it there any other methods? for 1, wt hardware should i buy to export a high quality of sound? p.s I'm a beginner of remixer
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