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Posts posted by Pico

  1. Well it has been a while since I visited the forums here, and if there is a post abot this you can just tell me. =)

    Well, to the point of this post. :P

    I would like to make a request for a remix of the track we got to hear in the "hidden village" in Zelda Twilight Princesse. One of the best damn songs I have heard this year! :D

  2. I play a level 60 paladin called Pico on the European realm called "Sylvanas"

    also have a level 45 rogue =)

    IMO paladins aren't rily a hybrid class... They are 2 very good classes in one, but not like the hybrid (druid) who is like a bad rogue , a bad priest, a bad warrior and sort of a very bad mage...

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