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Posts posted by auronapern

  1. This is sick! I had a bit of trouble getting into it at first but when it revved up at 00:36 and then dropped at 00:41 I was hooked. Done. My thanks for the addition to my library!

    It's about time some LoD made it on - I always felt that soundtrack had some decent potential. Glad to see you took this track somewhere completely different from its roots - I love that!

  2. I can't help but think that there is a ton of potential in that soundtrack, but I fully admit I don't have the skills to do anything worthwhile with it. Most of the music for the game revolves around the same base melody - Inon Zur wanted to keep everything connected and interchangable, so I heard.

    I think something with the main theme would be a good start, but at this point I'm just eager to see what someone with talent could do with this. :o) Something in an up-tempo dance style; a dark and metal style; piano solo; whatever. I just want to hear something new and powerful from this!

    Thanks all!

  3. Oh my god, this kicked me in the guts when it picked up - it almost caused physical pain! This mix owns me for at least the next few months and will be on repeat forever. Tefnek, your genius is going to blow out my speakers and make my ears bleed - but who gives a s**t! You're insane and I think I'm in love! ;o)

  4. It's got the bones of being something that could really get the pulse pounding, but it's always seeed a bit thin to me. If someone can thicken it up (sorry my phrasing is funky - I'm not an experienced remixer myself) and give it some real kick I think it could be a great fighting song. Looking for something heavy, like Black Wing Metamorphosis from the VotL Project. (Yeah, I know - I'm not asking for something small - that track is SICK!! Love it!!!)

    Thanks to anyone who gives it a shot!! :o)

    *I know... I spelled messenger wrong... it's late (or early) and I'm an idiot without coffee...*

  5. Okay, you guys are Mad Geniuses!! The chiptune cheasey-ness flowing into that pulse-building opening was something I never would have known could sound so good! And then you just didn't let up with the intensity! Usually I love a fast-paced beat with a ton of base, but this grabbed my attention quicker than I ever would have thought. Those hypnotic vocals around 1:18 were phenominal and the balance of each component was right on. Loving it!

  6. Very cool. You've done a great job taking a song that basically has nothing but its melody and giving it depth.

    I agree with DarkSolstice, though. The begining sounds kind of threw me off and it took me a second to get into the song when it actually started. I don't know how exactly you could redo this... maybe play one bar of the song as it is heard in-game before moving into the mix?

    Over all very well done and a nice breath of fresh air on the boards. I'll absolutly be keeping my eye on this mix!

  7. crap someone submitted a remix of this a few months back called one sky one destiny (it was a combo of a few tracks from the game) and I thought it was pretty good, but it got rejected. Unfortunately I neither know the artist's name or have it.

    RossK did One Sky One Destiny. I yoinked that one from the WIP boards before it got turned down. I can understand that OCR's gotta keep its integrity and all, but I admit that there are plenty of rejected mixes I really miss. I've still got "One Sky..." and I listen to it frequently.

    Such a sad state that there are so few KH & KH2 mixes out. That and Suikoden. Where's the love, there?

  8. Wow, all of the angst in this forum. It's a remix, people. It is not going to appeal to everyone. That is the law of music, and the reason there are so many genres. But the least we can do is treat each other's opinions with a bit of respect. Love the mix, hate it, express your opinions, whatever, but please respect each other. Otherwise what's the point of sharing?

    I still love this mix, BTW. Very powerful!

  9. I like this version, personally. It takes a song that is supposed to have a set way of being (faster and electric, in this case) and turns it into something unexpected. And, unless I am mistaken, isn't that the point of a remix? :) To breath new life into a song?

    I love the mood changes, also. Maybe that's because I change moods just as fast. I know that at 2:31 where it gets a little funky is my favorite part of the song.

    Cudoes to you, Midee & Prozax, for your fine work!

  10. There seems to be a lot of debate about this song and it's integrity, if that's the word I'm looking for.

    Personally, I LOVE this mix! It is one of my favorites. It haunts you and stirs your blood all at once. Between this mix and Jeremy Robson's Philharmonic Suite Finale I have found myself with two favorites that I cannot stop playing over and over again.


  11. Fantastic! I mean really magnificent! "Weapon Raid" was one of the most intense songs of the game, but it always lacked something, and now I know what. That real power you get from hearing it in a full orchestra and not a two demensional synthesiser. This is by far one of my favorite remixes on this site. My hat's off to you Jeremy. You gave this piece a soul. I would love you to continue your suite!

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