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Posts posted by jon02129

  1. Hey all, can anyone tell me where i can start a game specific thread for Portal, and not have it closed? I really want to have a good thread on the connections of Portal and Half-Life.

    Frankly, i think im the first to discover this and really want to share (especially since i'm not a big HL guy, never finished one of them).

    PS: Has to do with www.ApertureScience.com


  2. what a bunch of retards in boston. your telling me outta the thousands of people, probably hundreds of cops that saw the lights, not one of them, not a single one of them recognized them to be cartoon characters. i'm not saying they have to know what show or what their names are, but come on...give me a damn break people.

    After the media aired images of the alleged 'packages', they were bombarded with emails and phone calls from people who recognized the characters.

  3. Then i guess you'll be happy to hear they've made an arrest. Although I am really hoping this isn't blown out of proportion in court like it has already today. Turner hired a guerrilla marketing company, InterferenceInc.com, and i'm guessing this guy in turn works for InterferenceInc.com. He was tyring to earn some easy money, but now the city is going to try and ruin his life. Aside from the obvious non-permitted fixtures he put up, what did he do wrong?

    As mentioned before, all these things were planted in NINE other major cities across the country, and have been there for aprox THREE WEEKS without any problems anywhere. Why? Because they don't look suspicious, its a piece of particle board with some LEDs and some D batteries. At night they glow like pub signs. What happened here is, at around 1:00pm, 4 people decided it would be funny to call the Boston PD and report 4 of the 30(+?) LED ATHF ads as SUSPICIOUS PACKAGES or possible BOMBS, and given they had already found AND blew up one earlier that morning (although it was deemed not harmful), the city wasn't going to take any chances.

    That's more fishy that this dude making some money on a neat little ad campaign.

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