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  1. zomg! I want ep 50!!!!!!!!
  2. :O :O There is other podcasts other than VGDJ? Meh ill stick to Zircon and pixie, or should i say Jillybean and Bear kaythnxbai
  3. and i guess that could be kinda true because you are "living" your just not aware of it as such. Hmm you know thats got to be the first time iv heard someone give a die oral on radio before, funny stuff . Looking foreward to 50!
  4. [Offtopic] hey guys, new to these parts, but im most definatly not new to VGDJ, there is nothing i like more that filling my sunday morning with the Podcast, iv been listening from around episode 40, and i have to say its the best damn podcast out there. Anywhoo i finally got myself signed up to the forums so you shall see me around. Tedd [/offtopic]
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