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Posts posted by bones_221

  1. I'd like to be added to the ol' Clan OCR for some Halo 2 action. My gamertag is Bonerbot (I think I requested to be added some time before, but due to a series of circumstances, I wasn't able to do anything with it, and the invitation went away), but I won't be online for a few days until finals are over. Anyway, I look forward to being slaughtered.

  2. As the new Director of Internal Affairs, I must request that all messages pertaining to the security of your individual nations and the alliance as a whole be sent via the OverClocked Alliance Headquarters found here. This will help to ensure that any sensitive information regarding the actions and procedures of the OverClocked Alliance will remain within the OCA. Thank you.

  3. Stupid wireless...

    I'm having trouble connecting my XBox (basement) to my wireless Linksys router (main floor). Sometimes it works pretty well, sometimes it's choppy, sometimes it won't even connect. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can boost my wireless signal?

  4. Should the chief officer be called "president," "prime minister," "premier," "chancellor," or something else? Right now it says "premier."

    I propose we go wacky with the titles. The head of the government, for example, could be "Head Chef," and the different councils could be Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, or meals or something. That way, we could totally talk in code!

  5. Yeah, two to three months sounds good. That way, the elections are regular enough that no one forgets that they're coming (I forget every elections year! :wink:) but they're spaced far enough apart that they seem like they're actually important.

    Do we want to write in any term limitations, i.e. limits on how many terms in a row one nation can hold a specific office? I propose -- depending on how long we decide a term is -- six months.

    And I nominate (or second the nomination, rather) supremespleen for our...president? PM? Whatever we decide.

    Man, creating a nation and alliance is hard. Now I know how Thomas Jefferson felt. (Just kidding. *Chuckles* I know Thomas Jefferson didn't have the internet.)

  6. ^

    Yup, so long as there's room in the clan, we'll keep accepting new members. Just post your GT and someone'll invite you sometime in the not-too-distant future.

    Cool. My GT is Bonerbot (I'm still not sure why Bungie allowed it as a gamertag...), but I'm currently a part of another clan. Can I be a part of two clans? If not, do I have to cancel my membership with them first, or will it automatically cancel my membership with the first one when I accept the second?

  7. I think it's pretty good. Just about everything in it was going to be unspoken agreements (unwritten laws, if you will) anyway, but getting it out in the open is better. If we were going to operate in that way anyway, it doesn't harm anyone in our alliance to have it written down.

    The only thing I can see in Falchion's contract that I hadn't thought about (even though it actually makes up the bulk of his suggestion) were the alliance and war councils. But they really make sense. I assumed we'd have some sort of democratic or republican leadership (that's "democratic" as in every nation has an equal vote in all decision making processes, and "republican" as in the nations vote for some sort of senate which makes all decisions) but I hadn't considered two councils to handle two different sides of global interaction. Like I said, they really make sense.

    If you're going to go public with the alliance, you need something to show you're no pushover so some stupid alliance...doesn't go and obliterate you.

    Even with all our ages added together, we probably wouldn't be older than most powerful nations alone, regardless of other alliances. And our nations' powers probably wouldn't add up to much, either. If one of the main alliances wants to destroy us, they're going to whether or not we have a professional charter...

    Edit: I just want everyone to know that I net $2,300 each day. And I found out that your pop. increases immediately upon purchasing infrastructure. I still don't know if it increases each day also, but I have watched it go up just after the last two times I bought infrastructure.

  8. Perhaps this is extremely late to join in the thread(it being on the 102nd page, and all), but are you still accepting people into the clan? My Halo 2 skillz are somewhat less than spectacular, but I enjoy a good game. I was level 15 until six consecutive losses (three of which weren't my fault; think three dumbasses who get thrills out of assassinating and sticking their own teammates and committing suicide just to drive their team's score down, and another group of bastards that join a game, commit suicide a lot, then leave the fourth guy to deal with it) on Team Slayer dropped me to 11. As you can probably tell, I can't stand most random teammates, and would love to be able to get on a team with people I (sort of) know, and are there to have fun.

  9. Abridged OCRA Code

    Article 1: Trade

    • If possible, I will trade with members of the OCRA.
      If someone in the OCRA is in need of food or other items due to starvation or I will sacrifice my nations happiness for a short time to assist them. I am not required to do this if it will severely hurt my nation.

    Article 2: War

    • I will not declare war without discussing it with my alliance members.
      If one of the OCRA members is under attack, I agree to assist them.

    Uhh, what else do we need?

    I dunno, it seems good to me. Maybe something saying we won't sell out members of our alliance for membership in another or money or anything else. Some kind of "Anti Benedict Arnold" clause. If said clause is violated, they forfeit any claims they had to any benefits of being in the OCRA (obviously), and become the immediate enemy of the OCRA, subjecting themselves to immediate annihilation (if they haven't yet become a member of another alliance, of course).

    That's my only suggestion. Falchion, can you make any?

  10. Stupid offer conditions. I never (repeat: NEVER) read the fine print. I think that's why I owe Thief my soul and 115% of everything I ever gain (there'd better be at least twelve people that get that reference).

    I wouldn't mind spending $5 to get the bonus from the donation. $5 is only lunch for a little over two days, so it wouldn't impact me THAT much. And yes, supremespleen should definitely get the referral credit for the OCR troup.

    And Dark Omen, supremespleen (apparently) is working on setting up an OCR alliance (dubbed the 'OCA' I believe). In the meantime, just save everyone in the first post of this thread in your "Saved Nations." At least, that's what I did. Also, I followed Falchion's advice and put "Member of OCA" in my bio. It doesn't do anything yet, though...

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