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Everything posted by Oskar

  1. Haha! I played this old goodie just the other day. Still hard as hell :] First off, great to see some remixes from a bit more obscure NES games like Bayou Billy! And now for some feedback. Starts off good I think, good beat and background sounds, but I think you could work a bit more on the lead that starts at 0:30, the tunes are a bit unclear and melt together a bit too much. Piano bit at ~0:50 - wonderful! This always was my favorite part of this tune, but then, at 1:07, something strange happens; what you built up with the piano bit just dies. I think you should increase the pressure there instead of decreasing it, plus something isn't right with the melody there, unless you attempted some kind of freestyle :] I think you should stick to the original there, cause I think it's a good part of the song. If I can meddle a bit with your plans, heh, I'd like to see an increase of pressure during 1:07-1:09, and after that short hit, lower pressure for a few seconds and then the hit and pressure increase comes again when the tune repeats again. Hmm. Hope you understand. (Listen to the original and you'll know what I mean hopefully) BTW, this just struck me - perhaps that's what you mean with the "trumpet's brief performance" :]] I really like the break at 01:20. You could probably make something more out of that. Although, it's good as is. :] I like the song so far! Hope I helped some! Keep it up!
  2. Been listening through this tune a couple of times now and I think it's really good! OCR could use more remixes of less-remixed-games like Metal Gear. :] I really like the beat and nice feeling of this one. Keep it up!!
  3. Just wanted to say I really like what you got going on here, Gecko!
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