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Posts posted by Nexxus

  1. I want to like this song. I really do. It's very well done, but I have a problem. Everytime I listen to it, the melody doesn't sound right to me...

    In this mix, the melody goes E, C, A, G, A, B, C, but in SA2, the melody goes, E, C, G, E, F, G, C, if I'm not mistaken...

    Other than that, the mix is very well done, with a nice techno sound to it. Good stuff, but I'm afraid I can't listen to it because the melody just doesn't sound right...

    This mix is exactly what DarkeSword said.... This would have been a keeper if you had got the melody right..... I would like it if you fixed that and put the corrected one on the message board. I know that i would keep it if you corrected it. Nice job though. Besides that, everything went real nice and smooth...

    Hate to point this out, but a ReMix means you can take parts of the original song and make it sound remixxed or different. If you wanted to listen to the Chao marathon turn on your SA2 and listen to that. This song is brillant and has a great beat to it, if you wanted original beat perhaps you should just go out and buy the SA2 soundtrack? :lol:

  2. 8O Awesome, this is the music that should come right after you end up dying in the shareware DOOM on this very level.

    Hands down the best song here. Simply amazing. Heck I would love to hear this thing play in the DOOM movie (if there ever will be one) say-for the credits.

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