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Posts posted by omgcat

  1. Haha, it's cool dude. The fact that you fell for it AFTER it had been revealed as an April Fool's joke makes it even better :)

    no i saw it before it was revealed, i just didn't bitch about it until yesterday. i was honestly too pissed at what was given to me to discuss it here at the time. i mean i spent money hoping for quality and i was seemingly handed a steaming turd...

  2. That list might be better, as then remixers would be able to pick one they want.

    Now, of course, is the idea of Leitmotifs. While there may be several songs with different titles, they may share a the same base melody. I don't know if that's really come up before, but it might be a problem.

    YES i've been waiting for a remix of the .hack series! i don't know why everyone thinks the anime music and the game music is the same, because it is VERY different. the anime's music had a large celtic overtone while the game keeps that to a minimum and goes with a more techno approach.

    That list might be better, as then remixers would be able to pick one they want.

    Now, of course, is the idea of Leitmotifs. While there may be several songs with different titles, they may share a the same base melody. I don't know if that's really come up before, but it might be a problem.

    thats the hard part, a lot of the song's don't have names. also, the background music for the "8 phases" and pretty much most the events is exactly that, leitmotifs. but there are still lots of different background music, ranging from dungeons to killer viruses and hackers on steroids.

    however some of the ones that stood out for me were

    1.the ending for the first 3 of the 4 original games

    link: http://lamda.bluelaguna.net/hackgame/40%20-%20BooHooWoo%20-%20.hack,,GAME%20MUSIC%20Perfect%20Collection%20CD2%20-%20staff1.mp3

    2.(phase 1) skeith: the terror of death's theme

    link: http://cobalt.bluelaguna.net/hackgame/22%20-%20BooHooWoo%20-%20.hack,,GAME%20MUSIC%20Perfect%20Collection%20CD1%20-%20ev05.mp3

    3. balmung and the databug in the cathedral

    link: http://cobalt.bluelaguna.net/hackgame/36%20-%20BooHooWoo%20-%20.hack,,GAME%20MUSIC%20Perfect%20Collection%20CD2%20-%20str9_2.mp3

    4. the theme of cubia(the badass anti-cheat)

    link: http://lamda.bluelaguna.net/hackgame/39%20-%20BooHooWoo%20-%20.hack,,GAME%20MUSIC%20Perfect%20Collection%20CD2%20-%20str01.mp3

    5. the death of mia and the birth of macha (i cried :puppyeyes:)

    link: http://cobalt.bluelaguna.net/hackgame/60%20-%20BooHooWoo%20-%20.hack,,GAME%20MUSIC%20Perfect%20Collection%20CD2%20-%20str19.mp3

    6. drain heart(the death of aura and morganna and the birth of the perfect AI aura) OR "the system decides to finally **** everyone over including itself and then fixes itself in the process"

    link: http://lamda.bluelaguna.net/hackgame/63%20-%20BooHooWoo%20-%20.hack,,GAME%20MUSIC%20Perfect%20Collection%20CD2%20-%20str21.mp3

    here is a video of drain heart


    yes the ending was cliche but i still daaaawwwww'd


    also the complete soundtracks for .hack//game (the first 4 games) and .hack//g.u. are available here


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