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Posts posted by Kirie

  1. E.S. Posthumus - http://www.esposthumus.com


    This band is really good, but really hard to describe. Wikipedia says they are a "combination of electronica, rock, jazz, and Middle-Eastern influences." Since the band broke up, they actually encourage people to find their songs online and download them for free. I'd highly recommend the album "Stars and Garters".

    I second this greatly. A Good friend of mine introduced me to them a few years ago and got me hooked.

  2. Nope, I practically live on the other side of the state, pretty much in Canada. Oh well, it would've been cool to actually have found someone that I knew IRL on OCR. It's still cool that you're from Maine, though!

    Anyway, I guess I kinda derailed this thread, sorry about that. :oops:

    And I'm closer to New Hampshire. Ah, but that's still really cool to know someone in the same state, at least! Usually everyone I meet online lives many miles away from here.

    Yes, sorry about that everyone! ^^;

  3. I've been a member of the forums for a while now and have made a few posts.. but I wanted to properly introduce myself here.

    I'm called Kirie in a few places around the web, I'm 21, and of course a big video game fan. I've really enjoyed this site and the remixes for a long time now, but have only recently been active here.

    Probably very obvious that I'm shy, but have been trying to get over that. I don't play music myself (except maybe a couple really simple songs on the keyboard) even though I'd love to really learn someday. To put it simply.. a self described big video game dork, who also enjoys web and graphic design.

    Um, I guess that's it really, I don't want to go on a tangent or something. But It's really nice to meet all of you!

  4. Agreed. I forgot how awesome the music for TS2 was. Shadow Hearts is also an awesome underrated RPG with great music. Threads of Fate is another one of my favorite niche Square games.


    Love the TS2 soundtrack. Especially Siberia's and Notre Dame. Those ones always really stuck with me. I Agree, ToF is one of my top favorites for Square games as well.

    Shadow Hearts is such an amazing series. It makes me sad that it's not as well known, but at the same time it's nice to have a sane fanbase with it.

    Shadow Hearts: Covenant is fantastic. Though Yasunori Mitsuda's work for it is well.. not that good. Yoshitaka Hirota outdid himself! The Fate DAMNIT! I'm actually remixing Shadow Hearts: Covenant atm ;)

    Really?! This made me squee. XD Ever since I started visting OCR (for a long time now, I just really started posting recently) And I've really hoped to see some sort of SH related mix on it. I did find one at VG Mix but..

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