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Posts posted by Kagato

  1. I've been waiting for this release for a long, long time. I've kept an eye on it and silently watched and waited. Finally, all that waiting has paid off, and I have to say...I think I might have placed too high of an expectation on this project....There were some tracks that were "nailed," but a great majority of tracks just didn't feel right at all. I'll go over several songs I felt had a big impact on me, positively or negatively.

    One big example was Holy Judgement, which sounded unfinished. I was expecting this remix to blow me away after such a dramatic buildup, but it turned into a very loud and "twangy" electric guitar with very little and very quiet percussion to go with it. It sounded like 3 instruments were missing. I was hoping there'd be more to it that was really "in my face," but the entire song felt like just one big build-up with no true climax. The epic opening first minute was great, at least. I just wish the rock portion was more complete and polished. The voice clips were great though.

    Strike of the Devil's Axes was actually pretty good. Best Fatalize remix I've heard. Seriously nothing to complain about.

    The Unholy Wars was really good...at first. And then that damn synthesizer came in. The song sounded like a stage out of Mega Man X. It was a good remix, but it didn't blow me away like I was hoping. For what it was, though, it's good.

    Dark Corner was a big disappointment too. I can understand if it was a remix to Mithos' theme, but not the fight theme. Not to mention, it just sounds like a cluttered mess. It's like it has no structure. Most of the song didn't even sound like the track the remix is based off of. When I was expecting some kind of big finish, it just tapers off. Possibly my least favorite remix on the Symphonia side of the remixes.

    Antegenesis was bizarre. Most of the time, I couldn't tell if the song was a remix or an original track with touches of "beat the angel" thrown in. It wasn't as cluttered as Dark Corner since it finally picks up into a good remix of it's original song during bits and pieces, but then it goes back to being...a "blues" song? Sorry...just not what I was expecting...or liked.

    I loved Dream Traveler. It was a faithful remix to Presea's theme. It was sad, slow, calm, and easily recognizable. I think it could have been a tad bit faster in tempo, but overall it was good and an easy listen. I enjoyed it.

    Apogee rocked. Period. End of story. One of the best on the symphonia tracks hands down. Loved it.

    Ain't Yo Fool (Stay Cool) was both good and bad. I liked how upbeat and "stylish" it was. It was a fun song and happy to listen to, but the biggest problem I had with it is that it's hard to recognize the source song it came from. Unless I had been told it was Zelos' theme song, I never would have guessed.

    Determination is good, but lacks any real climax. While listening to it, I was thinking "this is awesome. Ok, the big climax is coming up in a few seconds..." and then the song was over. It still sounded very ninja-ish and I could hear the source material clearly.

    Chaotic Heart was a blast! It was just plain fun to listen to and it was obviously Raine. No confusion if I wasn't told what it was based off of. It was just the right sound, the right beat, the right use of instruments. It sort of reminded me of the 80's too. It was awesome. Kudos are in order for Sixto. This is one of my favorite tracks in the whole album.

    This Fate actually sounds like it was a professional remix taken from a game with him included in the scene. It was heroic, his theme music is easily noticed, and it was calm, perfectly suited for a character's theme music. Very nicely done.

    Crisis Healing Salve was a turn-off...at first. But then, this song actually hit a climax mid-way with the electric guitar. It wasn't just an all-buildup, no payoff song. It was actually really good! I liked it.

    Arche Angel was heroic. Very Heroic.... Too heroic. Ok, it was good. I liked it a lot, but it didn't sound like it was something based off Arche. Still, for what it was, it was really good and would definitely be great theme music for someone.

    Simplified Design was far too heavy, but the source of the theme music it was based off of was clear as day and, in the end, it wasn't bad. I'd say it was missing a few instruments in there overall to give it more depth. I think the best part was when the piano cut in all of a sudden, breaking up the loud with some calm, dramatic softness (though the piano keys sounded a bit flat....)

    Just Go is what I like to call epic. This song blew me away in...well...everything! It was very epic-sounding and it was almost dream-like with that excellent instrument use. It's quite possibly the best track on the Phantasia side, if not the entire album. Very excellent work, composers. This one is a job well done.

    New Technology was surprisingly addicting. It was very evil-sounding and was very appropriate towards the source music it came from. It fits perfectly in a computerized area and it was fun to listen to mostly. The ending got a bit irritating though.

    Thats about all I'm gonna cover. You guys get the basic idea. I found some good, some bad, some awesome, and some a great disappointment. Out of all of them, Holy Judgement and Dark Corner were my biggest disappointments in the whole album. I was sad about that, but many other songs were great. Thanks for putting the time into all the tracks, however. I know it's not easy making these.

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