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Everything posted by porkrocks

  1. Personaly I don't like Jazz, but I still enjoyed this mix. The main problem I found was that the trumpet/sax (or whatever it is), thats playing the harmony type thing, was to high pitched. I found the piano work great, I dont think you have much - if any - work to do on it. However, I didnt hear the drums doing all that much, mabye it's just cuz there soft. I'm not sure. Curently I'm actually playing this game, so the tune's fresh in my head. I think you do it justice.
  2. Same here, I havn't heard the orignal either. --- LISTENING: 0:00: Really, really good intro. 0:05 Very good choice on the lead. 0:27 That slap-bassish sound really needs to be changed. It clashes from the rest of the other sounds in my opinion. 0:33 Those rapid chords are getting kinda annoying. 1:09 Yay the main meledy again. Finaly the chords have some rythm to them. 1:52 Interesting choice of pad. A bit to loud tho. Either that or lead's to soft. 2:13 The arpegio gets anoying right before the drum fill, and continues to be so... 3:00 O ya! The meledy for one last time! --- Final thoughts: The bad: 1) The background instruments get very repetive, and after awhile get somewhat annoying. You should give them more variation, better sounds, and mabye even have them change to a differnt instrument in places. 2) I couldn't really hear a climax in the song, I know not all songs do, but when the pad came in it seemed like it would go enter the climax afterwords. But instead the pad just leaves and the soon-to-be-annoying arpegio starts. The good: 1)I cant really comment on the arrangment because I'd have to hear the orignal. But, what you have all flows together with some really nice drum fills. 2)The lead instrument sounds good, and never gets annoying. --- With more work this could turn out to be a very good song.
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